1762 Deed - Daniel Reeve to James Reeve
The Grathwohl Collection contains a number of verbatim transcriptions of various unrecorded deeds held by families of Southold. This deed from the Grathwohl Collection is Land Item #155 in Baker's Study of the Reeve Family.Transcript
To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come Daniel Reeve of Goshen in orrange County and province of newyork in america sendeth greeting whereas James Reeve late late of Southold deceased and grandfather of him the sd Daniel Reeve did in his last will and testament give unto give unto his son Daniel Reeve deceased and to his heirs and assignes forever all the meadow or thatch ground with the flats near adjoyning that layeth on the east end of the neck of land which the sd James Reeve lived on at his decease as also the peice of land between the two country roads to extend from the half acre of land mattituck meeting house stands on to the conew path and the sd Daniel Reeve son of the sd Daniel Reeve decesed being the heir to sd land and meadow therefore know ye that he the sd Daniel Reeve as well for and in consideration of the sum of ninety five pounds current money of newyork to him in hand paid or to be paid at or before the ensealing and delivery hereof by his Uncle James Reeve of the Town afforesd yeoman the receipt whereof the sd Daniel Reeve doth hereby acknowledg himself therewith fully satisfyed and thereof and therefrom doth clearly acquit exonerate and disscharge the sd James Reeve his Heirs Executors Administrators forever by these presents as for other good causes and considerations him there unto mo(?) hath remised released and forever quitclaimed and by these presents for himself and his heirs doth fully clearly absolutely remise release and forever quit claim unto the sd James Reeve in his full and peaseable possession and seizen now being and to his heirs and assignes forever all such right estate title interest and demand as he the sd Daniel Reeve hath had or ought to have of in or to all the sd land and meadow by any wayes or meanes whatsoever to have & to hold all the sd land & meadow above described with all and singular the preveledges and appurtenances thereunto belonging unto him the sd James Reeve his heirs & assignes forever so that neither he the sd Danile Reeve nor his heirs nor any other person or persons for him or them or in or in his or their names or in the names Right or stead of any of them shall or will by any means hereafter have Claim Challenge or demand any estate right title or Interest of in or to ye premises or any part or percell of ym but from all and every part and percel thereof they and every of them shall be utterly excluded and barred forever by these presents and also the sd Danile Reeve and his heirs the sd lands & meadows with the preveledges and appurtenances to the sd James Reeve his heirs and assignes to his & their own proper use & uses In manner and form afore specified against him ye sd Daniel Reeve his heirs and Executors administrators and assignes and every of and every of them shall warrent and forever defend by these presents in witness whereof he hath hereunto set his hand and fixed his Seal this twenty-third Day of April in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seaven hundred & sixty two and in the second year of the Reign of King George the third over great britan france and Ireland Defender of the faith &cDaniel Reeve
Signed Sealed and delivered
in presents of
Joshua Brown
(the "Joshua" was blotted)
Joshua Brown
Experence Brown