Wake County Court Orders 1787 to 1792, Book II
March 1787 Court
Then the Court adjourned for half an Hour. The Court met according to adjournment, Present The Worshipfull Richard Banks, John Jones, William Reeves, Esquires.
A Deed from William Reeves Esquire to Robert Bell was in open Court duly proved by the oath of John Humphries Esqr. A Witness thereto & ordered to be Registred.
September 1787 Court
Then the Court adjourned for half an hour. The Court met according to adjournment. Present The Worshipfull Michael Rogers, William Reeves, John Jones, James Hinton, Tingnal Jones Esquires.
March 1789 Court
Then the Court adjourned until Wednesday 10 OClock.
The Court met according to adjournment. Present Richard Banks, John Whitaker, Britain Sanders, Mark Myatt & William Reaves.
Ordered that Cary Chapple be bound to William Reves Esq. until she attain to the age of Eighteen years, being on or about the 9th of September Instant of the age of three years old.
December 1789 Court
Last Will and Testament of Isaac Reves (sic Reavis) decd. was in open Court duly proved by the Oaths of Avery Parham and Edward Wallis Subscribing Witnesses thereto and ordered to be Recorded, and at the same time Susannah Reves (sic Hannah Reavis) Executirx mentioned in said Will came into Court and Qualified agreeable to Law.
March Court 1790
Then the Court adjourned untill Wednesday 9 OClock. The Court met according to adjournment. Present Tignal Jones, Hardy Sanders, William Reves, Esquires Justices.
June 1790 Court
Sundry Inhabitants in Wake County Petitioned for a Road leading from the upper end of the Cossway near Daniels and Parkers Mill on Nuse River from thence the nearest and best way for wheel Carriages to Crabtree Bridge near Coloner Tingnall Jones’s ordered that said Road be laid and that the following Jury lay off said Road Agreeable to the Petition towit, William Reves, Isaac Hicks (Hucks?), Tingnall Jones Esq, William Ferrill, Thomas Tomlinson, Richard Tomlinson, Samuel Pitchford, Micajah Ferrell, Julias Nichols, Dennis Bradley, John Motley, William Nichols Jun, William Nichols Sen, Spencer Watts, John Shearing, Michael Reynolds Sen, Thomas Rhoad, Thomas Nichols and John Railey.
Ordered that the following Jury lay off a Road leading from William Ashleys fence on Munns Road from thence across Nuse River at Ashleys ferry, thence to the Road that leads to Hillsborough near the Great Cowlick on said River the said Ashley agrees to keep said Road open at his own Expense 650 yards towit, William White, Willis Jones, George Brogdon, Richard Wilkins, Jonathan Reves, Isaac Hicks, William Ferrill, Samuel Peak, William Reves, Micajah Ferrill, Thomas Tomlinson, Sterling Talley, Richard Thomlinson, Richard Talley and Hicks Ellis or any twelve of them and report to next Court.
September 1791 Court
Last Will and Testament of Woodson Daniel decd. Was exhibited in open Court and duly proved by the Oaths of Richard Banks Esquire and William Carpenter Witnesses.
Witnesses thereto and ordered to be Recorded at the same time John Daniel and William Reeves Esquire, Executors mentioned in said Will came into Court and Qualified as such agreeable to Law, ordered that letters Testamentory issue.
December 1791 Court
Ordered that John Alston, to whom David and Hester Weaver, Children of Penny Weaver was bound apprentice, be summoned to make his Personal appearance at our next County Court & that he bring said Children with him, into Court, then and there to shew cause if any he hath, wherefore the said Children should not be removed from their apprenticeship, ordered that a summons issue for William Reeves and Any his Wife as Witnesses for the Orphans.
March 1792 Court
Then the Court adjourned till Thursday 9 oClock. The Court met according to Adjournment, Present The Worshipful Tingnal Jones, William Reeves, Edward Pride, Esquires.
A deed from James Alston to Frederick Geer, was duly proven in open Court by the Oath of William Reeves Esqr. A Witness thereto and ordered to be Registred.
June 1792 Court
Then the Court adjourned till Wednesday 9 oClock. The Court met according to Adjournment, Present The Worshipful James Hinton, William Reeves, Richard Banks, Esquires.
September 1792 Court
William Reeves, Richard Banks and Edward Pride Esquires Justices appointed for the County of Wake, came into Court and Qualified by taking the Oaths appointed by Congress for the Qualification of Public Officers.
Ordered that Peter Reeves be Constable in Capt. Willis Jones’s District, who came into Court and entered into Bond in the Sum of £250 and gave Securities agreeable to Law.
December 1792 Court
Drury Shearing having been Charged by Elphra Fogaty with being the Father of an Illitigitimate (sic) Child begotton on her Body came into Court and entered into Bond for the indemnification of the Parish as the law directs, and gave Micajah Ferrell & William Reeves Esquire for his Securities.
Then the Court adjourned till Thursday 9oClock. The Court met according to Adjournment. Present the Worshipful Tignal Jones, Thomas Robertson, William Reeves, John Humphries, Esquires.
Wake County, North Carolina County Court Minutes Book II, 1787 thru 1792Transcribed and published by Weynette Parks Haun