Deed - Stephen Reaves et al to John Burgess
Kershaw County, South Carolina
17 Nov 1792
Deed Book B p248
THIS INDENTURE made this Seventeenth Day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Ninety Two, and in the Sixteenth year of the Independence of the united States of america, Between Steven Reaves, Jesse Reaves, Presley Reaves, & Jane Reaves of the County of Kershaw and State of South Carolina, of the one part And John Burgess of the County and State aforesaid of the other part WITNESSETH that the sd Stephen Reaves, Jesse Reaves, Presley Reaves, and Jane Reaves, for and in Consideration of the Sum of Thirty pounds Sterling Money to them in hand paid, the Receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge to be fully Satisfyed, and has Bargained, & Sold, Aliened, Enfeoffed, and Confirmed, and by these presents doth Bargain, Sell, Alien, Enfeoff, and Confirm, unto the Said John Burgess, a certain Tract or parcel of Land Containing Eighty Acres, be it the Same More or Less situate in Kershaw County aforesaid, Lying and being on the waters of Whiteoak Creek, & Deep Creek, it being Part of A tract of two hundred and fifteen acres originally granted to Moses Reaves by his Excellency Charles Pinckney, the fifth day of april in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and Ninety being Divided by a covenant (?) line beginning at a pine; from thence to a pine Station, from thence to a pine in the old line, butting and Bounding to the No. E. by Elizabeth Strawbridges Land, and all other Sides by Vacant lant, Together with all the appertainances (sic) thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining (to Wit) an absolute Estate in fee Simple to have and to hold the said Eighty acres of land, to him the said John Burgess, and to his heirs and assigns for Ever and we the said Stephen Reaves, Jesse Reaves, Presley Reaves, and Jane Reaves, do for our Selves, heirs, Executors, administrators, and assigns, do warrant and for Ever Defend The Title of the land aforesaid unto the said John Burgess, and to his heirs, Executors, administrators against the lawful Claim of any Person or Persons Whatsoever, Claiming in by or under us. IN WITNESS whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and Seals to the day and year first above.Signed, Sealed, and Delivered, in the presence of us
Thos. Gardner Stephen Reaves (Seal)
George (his mark) Gardner Aann (her x mark) Reaves (Seal)
Jos (his x mark) Kelly Jesse Reaves (Seal)
Jane (her x mark) Reaves (Seal)
Presley Reaves (Seal)
Received on the day and year within written of the Said John Burgess, thirty Pounds Sterling, it being the full Consideration Money for the within Mentioned land.
Stephen Reaves
South Carolina } Personally appeared Thomas Gardner, and made oath he was
Kershaw County } present and saw Stephen Reaves, Jesse Reaves, Jane Reaves, and Presley Reaves, and Reaves, Sign and acknowledge the within Deed of Conveyance for the uses therein Mentioned, and likewise saw George Gardner and Joseph Kelly Sign their Names as witnesses with this deponent, and saw Stephen Reaves Sign the Receipt herein Indorsed,
Sworn this 7th March 1793 {Received the 7th March 1793} Thomas Gardner
Before me Francis Boykin J.P.
Memorandum that on the day of the date within Written the within Named Stephen Reaves, Jesse Reaves, Presley Reaves, and Jane Reaves, has given full possession and Seizure to the said John Burgess of the within Mentioned premises to have and to hold the said Land to the said John Burgess, without any like (?) hinderances, or molestation, Witness our hands.
Stephen Reaves
Jesse Reaves
Jane Reaves
Presley Reaves