1793 Deed - Jeremiah Reeves to Abraham Lawrence
Greene County, GeorgiaDeed Book 2, p58
23 Dec 1793
This Indenture made this twenty-third day of December in the year of Christ one thousand seven hundred and ninety three Between Jeremiah Reeves of the County of Wilks and State of Georgia of one part and Abraham Lawrence of the County of Greene and State aforesaid of other part Witness that the said Jeremiah Reeves for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds to him in hand paid by the said Abraham Lawrence at and before the ensealing & delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged & every part and parcel thereof doth acquit & discharge hath bargain and sold and by these presents doth give grant bargain sell convey and confirm unto the said Abraham Lawrence and his heirs one certain tract of or parcel of land situated lying and being in Greene County aforesd on a branch of Richland Creek containing two hundred eighty seven & half acres and bounded as follows Viz Beginning at a pine and running S15 W53 61 to blackak corner thence S75 E53 61 W to the beginning the same being a tract of land granted to James West by a grant signed by the Honb Jam Elbert Esq and bearing date the 21 February 1788 as will more fully appear reference being had to the same with all and singular the rights and priviledges to the same belonging also all rights title claim interest or advantage to the said land and premises belonging or in any wise appertaining. To have and to hold the said above mentioned tract of land & premises and every member & appertenances thereof to the said Abraham Lawrence & his heirs as a clear indefeasable estate in fee simple absolute to all interests & purposes as can be held possesed enjoyed and I the said Jeremiah Reeves for myself and my heirs do covenant and agree that I will warrant & forever defend the legal rights & title in and to the said land and premises to him the said Abraham Lawrence & his heirs against the lawful claim or claims of all & all manner of persons whatsoever and further that I make & sign or cause to be made or signed in my name or the name of my heirs any other instrument or instruments that shall be necessary for the will authenticating the same. In witness whereof the said Jeremiah hath hereunto set his hand seal the date above written.Syne sealed & delivered in the presence of}Jeremiah Reeves (Seal)
Wm. Stwart }
Jeremiah Reeves }
Georgia }
Green County } This day personally before me the subscriber one of the justices for said County Wm Street and made oath that he saw the within conveyance legally executed also Jeremiah Reeves the aftersubscriber witness also the name given under my hand this 15th day of January 1794
Wm StreetTho Baldwin JP