1801 Will - Samuel Reeve
Dated: 15 Jul 1801, (no location given), SuffolkProbated: Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 30 Jun 1803
Recorded: Piece 1395 (Marriott), folio 89
This is the last Will and Testament of me Samuel Reeve Vice Admiral in the Royal Navy now residing at? parish in the County of Suffolk viz I give and bequeath to each of my sisters namely Clara Reeve spinster Suria the wife of Aaron Tozer Hannah wife of Frederick Charles Reinhold Jane Reeve and Sarah Reeve spinsters the sum of two hundred pounds sterling a piece to be paid to each of them severally within six months next after my decease with lawful interest on the same from that period also I bequeath to each of my above named sisters an annuity or ? yearly sum of eighty pounds sterling a piece to be paid by my executors or executors or their executors or administrators to each of my said sisters severally or their assigns in two equal or half yearly payments viz upon Lady Day and Michaelmas Day in every year during the terms of their respective natural lives the first payment to be made upon such of the said Days as shall happen next after my decease and I will that at the death of each of my said sisters severally the annuity to her so deceased shall end and revert and be applied to the further purposes of this my will and it is my will that the aforesaid legacies and annuities so bequeathed to my said sisters Clara Suria Hannah Jane and Sarah shall be paid into the proper hands or those of the assigns of my said several sisters for their sole and separate use and uses respectively and that their Receipts shall notwithstanding the coverture of any or either of them be a good and sufficient discharge to my executors or executor or their executors or Administrators and that the said legacies and annuities shall not nor shall any part of either be subject or liable to the ? controul or engagements or the present or any future husband of any or either of them and I do give and bequeath to my Brother Thomas Reeve the sum of five hundred pounds sterling to be at his disposal also I bequeath to my said Brother the sum of one thousand pounds sterling to hold in trust for the use and the uses of the three supposed natural daughters of my late Brother Richard Reeve the interest and profits whereof to be applied to the maintenance and education of her known by the name of Elizabeth Richards but as they shall severally attain the age of twenty one years I will that the said principal sum of one thousand pounds sterling be divided and become their property in the following proportions viz one half to the said Elizabeth Richards and the remainder to be equally divided between the other two but still to be placed by my executors in the ? they shall think meat for the benefit of those legatees and I give and bequeath to Sir John Colpoys Knight of the Bath and admiral in the Royal Navy one hundred pounds sterling in consideration of the trouble he has obligingly consented to take of being one of my executors and I request that he will accept of a ring given me by the late Mr Hammond or of my gold watch bought by himself or any other trinket of mine as a token of my sincere friendship for him also I give and bequeath to the before mentioned Aaron Tozer the like sum of one hundred pounds sterling on the same consideration and the ring given me by him on the death of his daughter all the rest and residue of my estate monies goods chattels and effects whatsoever with the annuities ceasing and revertible on the decease of my sisters as before mentioned I bequeath to my said Brother Thomas Reeve to enjoy the interest and profits thereof during his natural life with power to place the monies belonging to me and found at my death in the publick funds or elsewhere after payment of the abovementioned legacies as he and my other executors may think most advantageous to himself and his son my nephew and godson Samuel Reeve to whom at the decease of my said Brother I will that the aforesaid monies goods chattels effects &c be left entire together with the annuities revertible as above and he likewise to enjoy the interest and profits of the same during his life and that at his death the principal sum shall become the property of his lawfully begotten child or children if more than one to be equally divided between them authorizing however as far as I can my aforesaid Brother by his will further to entail if he shall see cause the whole or any part thereof to the lawful issue of my said nephew in such manner and proportions as he my Brother shall think proper But if my said nephew Samuel Reeve shall die without leaving issue I will that at his decease or dying before his father at the decease of the latter the whole shall go to the fund of the Marine society in London unless any of my sisters shall be then living in which case such sister or sisters and if more than one in equal proportions shall enjoy the interest and profit thereof during their join or respective lives and at their decease become as above the property of the marines society to be applied by the directors & managers thereof for the benefit of the royal navy to which I owe it all and I do hereby appoint the above named Sir John Colpys Aaron Tozer and Thomas Reeve to be the executors of this my will and Testament In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal this fifteenth day of July one thousand eight hundred and one at IpswichS Reeve (LS)
Witnesses J Thomson Qur Stephen Tissier
This Will was proved at London the thirtieth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and three before the Right Honourable Sir William Wynne Knight Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the oaths of Sir John Colpoys Knight of the Bath Aaron Tozer Esq and the Reverend Thomas Reeve Clerk the Brother of the deceased and the Executors and the executors named in the said will to whom Administration of all and singular the Goods chattels and credits of the deceased was granted they having been first sworn by Commission duly to Administer.