Extracts from Cumberland Orphans Court Minutes, Book B

Orphans Court Minutes, Book B

Extracts from Cumberland Orphans Court Minutes, Book B


Sept 1805, B, p116
Order for Division of the Real }
Estate of David Reeves, decd } Application having been made to this Court, by Timothy Reeves, one of the children and heirs of David Reeves, alte of the County of Salem decd. who died testate and devised part of the lands of which he died seized of, and other part he left indivised, and by reason of the minority of some of his children, no division thereof could be made without the aid of the court, praying the court to order and direct a division to be made of the Real Estate of which the said decd died seized of in the County of Cumberland, whereupon, the court order and direct a division to be made amongst said children and heirs, according to said Will and ? and the court do appoint Daniel Tracy, Esqr, Ebenzer Davis and Jonathan Hood Commissioners to make said division and ascertain the metes and bounds of each heirs share according to will and law. And it is further ordered that commissioners or two of them make report in writing under their hands and seals to the next orphan court after said Division hath been made.

Jun 1806, B, p187
In persuance of a Decree of the Orphans Court...for dividing the real estate, late of David Reeves deceased,...Between his children and heirs, according to said will and law, some of them being minors under the age of twenty one years. We do report...we have made division of said real estate Between Timothy Reeves, William Reeves, Mary Reeves, Ann Reves, Dayton Reeves, and Ann Russell, late Ann Reeves assignee of Isaac Reeves and Daniel Reeves, according to said Will..

11 Apr 1810, B, p420
Application for the sale of the Real }
Estate of Peter Reeve deceased } Hannah Reeve and Isaac Lowery Adminsitrators of...Peter Reeve decd...stating to the said court that the said decd died possessed of real estate in the County of Cumberland

25 Jun 1810, B, p457
Order for sale of the Real Estate }
of Peter Reeve, decd. } Hannah Reeve and Isaac Lowery Administrators of Peter Reeve decd, having filed an inventory...the court order and directs that the said Administrators sell somuch of said real estate as will be sufficient to pay the debts and expenses.

3 Jun 1811, B, p478
Settlement of the esate of }
Peter Reeve Decd } This account being audited stated & reported by the surrogate & being insolvent was proclaimed & the final allowance postponed to next term

23 Sep 1811, B, p483
Settlement of the estate of }
Peter Reeve Deceased } This account having been reported last Term & being insolvent was postponed - being now again proclaimed was allowed & confirmed

25 Nov 1811, B, p489
Guardian of Lewis Reeves } On the petition of Lewis Reeves an infant under 21 years the court appoint John Reeves his guardian & approve of Andrew Miller as his surety in the penalty of $600.

17 Feb 1812, B, p500
Order of division of the real estate }
of Johnson Reeves Deceased } Stephen Reeves one of the sons & heirs of Johnson Reeves Decd having applied for an order for the division of the real estate...it is ordered that the said division be made, and the court appoint Mahlon Davis, William Miller & Seeley Fithian Commissioners &children

29 Nov 1813, B, p543
Order of Division of }
Reale Estate of }
Johnson Reeve decd } On application of John Reeves &c a commissioners appointed Ebenezer Davis William Miller & George Howell

14 Feb 1814, B, p548
Division of Real Estate }
of Johnson Reeves } The Commissioners appointed by the court to divide the real estate of Johnson Reeves agreeably to law - made report in writing which was accepted and ordered to be recorded.

18 Jul 1814, B, p556
Appointment of Guardian } On application the court appoint Ruth Reeves guardian of Thomas, Anne, and Nancy A. Reeves and approve of Abraham Reeves as her surety in $1000

24 Apr 1815, B, p570
Appointment of Guardian } Ruth Reeves mother and next of kin of Samuel Reeve and Martha Reeves - makes application to the court to be appointed guardian of said children minors under the age of fourteen years and offers John Sheppard and John Reeves Jr as sureties - Approved by the court and order them bound in the sum of four thousand dollars
[TRP Note: Ruth wife of Samuel Reeve]

3 Jun 1816, B, p612
On Application of Rachel S Reeve one of the heirs at law of Samuel Reeve deceased for division of the real estate of said deceased - it is ordered that said division be made and the court appoint Jedediah David John Sheppard and John Laning commissioners to make said division &c

17 Feb 1817, B, p625
On application of William Davis who is entitled to a share of the real estate of Abijah Reeves deceased for division of said real estate - It is ordered that said division be made...

16 Jan 1819, B, p654
Samuel Reeve having arrive to the age of fourteen years came before me and made choice of Ruth Reeve to be continued his guardian until he arrives at full age
May 31st 1819 T. Elmer Surrog
[TRP Note: Son of Samuel Reeve]

31 May 1819, B, p663
Dayton Riley acting executor of Juliana Reeves late of the County of Cumberland deceased having made application ...for an order to sell...it is ordered that said executor sell the whole of the real estate...
[Widow of David Reeve]

17 Feb 1823, B, p725
Application for sale of real estate }
Elizabeth Reeves and Dan Simkins Admrs of Abraham Reeves decd...made application ...to sell the real estate...

22 Sep 1823, B, p734
Phebe Reeves Admr of Isaac Reeves decd having ...made application ...for the sale of the real estate...

16 Feb 1824, B, p724
On application of Elizabeth Davis mother and next of kin of William Reeves a minor under the age of fourteen years that Israel Woodruff be appointed guardian of said minor...


FamilySearch - Cumberland County, New Jersey Orphan Court Minutes Book B