1805 Will - Isaac Reeve
Dated: 7 Dec 1805, Willingale Doe, EssexProbated: Commissary of Bishop of London, 4 Jun 1806
In the Name of God amen I Isaac Reeve the lder of the Parish of Willingale Doe in the County of Essex Gardener do make this my last Will and Testament in manner following that is to say I give and devise unto my son Isaac Reeve all that messuage or tenement that he now inhabits in the Parish of Willingale Doe aforesaid with the Garden & appurtenances thereunto beloinging for & during his Life & at his Decease I then give & devise the said messuage or tenement with the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto my Grandson John Reeve & his heirs forever I also give & devise unto my said Grandson John Reeve all that messuage or tenement with the appurtenances thereunto belonging now in the tenure or occupation of Joseph Skiggs and adjoining unto the aforesaid tenement occupied by my son Isaac Reeve and his heirs forever. And I nominate and appoint my Grandson John Reeve executor of this my Will and I do hereby revoke all wills at any time heretofore by me made and declare this only to be my last will & testamentIn witness whereof I the said Isaac Reeve have to this my last will & Testament set my hand & seal this seventh day of December in the year of our Lord 1805.
Isaac Reeve
Signed sealed published
and declared by the said
Isaac Reeve the testator as
& for his last Will & Testament, in
the presence of us.
John Gidley of Fyfield
Benja Bingham of Birdsgreen
James Scutt of Fyfield
I the aforesaid Isaac Reeve the elder do hereby direct that the two Elm trees standing in my garden by the hedge adjoining the road be not taken down in the Life Time of my son Isaac & I do hereby declare this to be a part of my aforesaid will made & signed at the same time that I signed the aforesaid will as witness my Hand this 7th day of Decem 1805 I do also direct that the expences of my Funeral be defray'd equally between & by my aforesaid son & grandson
Isaac Reeve
John Gidley
Benja Bingham
James Scutt
I do hereby further will & direct this to be & it is a part of my aforesaid will that is to say I do hereby devise & bequeath unto my Grandson John Reeve aforesaid all my Goods chattles personal estate & effects whatsoever & wheresoever the same may be as witness my Hand this seventh day of December 1805
Isaac Reeve
This Part was signed
sealed & delivered by
the testator in the
presence of us
John Gidley of Fyfield
Benja Bingham
James Scutt
4th June 1806
John Reeve Grandson of the Deceased the sole executor was sworn to the truth of this will and to the due performance thereof and that to the best of his knowledge and belief the personal property of the said Deceased does not amount to the sum of twenty pounds
Before me
T Roberts Surrogate
Proved on the 4th day of June in the year of our Lord 1806 before the Revd Thos Roberts Clerk surrogate &c by the oath of John Reeve the grandson the sole Extor to whom ? was granted be being first sworn duly to administer.