1823 Deed - Joseph Reeves to Samuel Webb

1823 Deed - Joseph Reeves to Samuel Webb

1823 Deed - Joseph Reeves to Samuel Webb


Gloucester County, New Jersey
Deed Book LL, p417
7 Oct 1823


Whereas Thomas Reeves of the township of Deptford in the County of Gloucester and Western Division of the State of New Jersey, yeomen (deceased) in his life time by sundry good pur? in the law became seized of a certain tract or parcel of land in fee simple situate lying and being in the township aforesaid and hereinafter more particularly mentioned and described and whereas the said Thomas Reeves in and by his Last Will and Testament in writing made the six day of the Seventh month AD 1779 and recorded in the Prerogative office at Trenton in Book No. 23 of Wills page 318 & as by refference thereunto will more fully and at large appear did among other things give and divise unto his son Arthur Reeves and to his heirs all the tract and premises herein mentioned and whereas the said Arthur Reeves being so thereof seized in his demesne as of fee in and by his Last Will and Testament in writing made the eighth day of the Fourth month AD 1786 and Recorded in the prerogative office at Trenton aforesaid in Book No. 28 of Wills page 111 and 111 &c refference thereunto being had will more fully and at large appear did among other things give to his wife the land and premises herein described so long and no longer than she should remain his widow in liue of her dower and at her death or marriage to be sold and the proceeds equally divided Between his sons and daughters and lastly he did nominate, constitute and appoint his brothers Joseph Reeves (party hereto and Thomas Reeves to be the executors of his said Will and whereas the said Thomas Reeves the exutor hath departed this life and the said widow being now dead the said Joseph Reeves the surviving executor of the said Arthur Reeves deceased by virtue of the power vested in him by the will aforesaid did on the first day of the month called July AD one thousand eight hundred and twenty three advertise the said land and premises for sale in at least five of the most public places in the said County and also in the herald and Cloucester Farmer a paper printed and published at woodbury in the County afsd and the said advertisement having been published according to law he then in persuance thereof did on the first day of the ninth month called September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three proceed to sell the same at public sale when Samuel Webb party hereto being present did then and there bid the sum of four hundred and fifty dollars for the same which being the highest and best bidder it was by public outcry struck off and sold to him the said Samuel Webb at and for the said piece of $440 lawfull money of the United States of America.
Now this Indenture witnesseth that the said Joseph Reeves surviving executor aforesaid for and in consideration of the said sum of four hundred and forty dollars lawfull money aforesaid to him in hand paid by the said Samuel Webb at and before the ensealing and delivery hereof the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted bargained sold aliened enfeoffed released, conveyed and confirmed and by these presents and in pursuance and execution of the Last Will and Testament of the said Arthur Reeves decd and by force and virtue thereof and of the powers and authority therein given doth grant bargain sell alien enfeoff release convey and confirm unto the said Samuel Webb and his heirs and assigns forever, all the aforesaid tract or parcel of land in the township aforesaid bounded as follows. Beginning at a stone near a Butterwood corner to Mary Pedrick (formerly Reuben Jennings) also to Joshua Lons and Isaac Reeves thence partley by said Isaac Reeves and partly by William Maquire (formerly Thomas Reeves south twenty eight degrees and thirty minutes west twenty chains to a sweet gum in the line of meadow formerly belonging to James Lons deceased thence by the same south thirty nine degrees and thirty minutes east sixty three links to a marble stone thence still by the same over the branch south fourteen degrees west ten chains and ninety seven links to a marble Between two poplars an original corner to Samuel Webbs land (formerly James Hiuchmans deceased) being also a corner to said Lonses land thence up the said Branch bounding on the said Samuel Webbs land according to the different courses and distances given in a resurvey recorded in the Clerks office of the County of Gloucester in Book of Divisions and Boundary Line letter B folio 60 &c to a stone corner to Samuel Webbs in George Wardes line (formerly Thomas Reeve's) thence by the same and other land formerly said Thomas Reeves now belonging to Biddle Reeves and to the estate of Aron Wood decd North twenty two degrees and thirty minutes east twenty one chains and seventy six links to the north westerly edge of the old Salem Road thence down the northeasterly side of said road south seventy four degrees west five chains, thence still by the same side of said road north eighty five degrees west eight chains and eighty six links to a marble stone standing in the said north westerly side of the said old Salem Road (being eighteen links south seventy five degrees east from the centre of an old Black Oak tree) thence from said marble north twenty five degrees west eight chains and twenty give links to the place of Beginning containing thirty seven acres and one half of an acre be the same more or less. Together with all and singular the ways waters water courses hereditaments and appurtenances hereby granted or meant mentioned or intended to be granted and reversions and remainders rents issues and profits thereof and all the estate right title interest property claim and demand whatsoever which was of him the said Arthur Reeves in his life time and at the time of his decease and is of him the said Joseph Reeves surviving executor as aforesaid in law or equity of into or out of the same. To have and to hold the said Tract and parcel of land above described with the appurtenances unto the said Samuel Webb and his heirs to the only proper use benefit and Behoof of the said Samuel Webb his heirs and assigns for ever. And the said Samuel Webb his heirs and assigns forever. And the said Joseph for himself and his heirs the said tract and parcel of land hereditaments and premises hereby granted with the appurtenances unto the said Samuel Webb his heirs and assigns for ever against himself the said Joseph Reeves and his heirs and against all and every other person lawfully claiming or to claim by from or under him them or any of them shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents; and further that the said Joseph Reeves as surviving executor or otherwise hath not heretofore made done committed or executed or permitted or suffered any act deed matter or thing whatsoever whereby or wherewith or by reason or means whereof the said hereby granted premises or any part thereof are, is, have, or may be in any wise impeached predujiced or incumbered in title charge interest estate or otherwise howsoever. In witness whereof the said Joseph Reeves surviving executor as aforesaid hath hereunto set his hand and seal this seventh day of the tenth month in the year of our LORD one thousand eight hundred and twenty three
Joseph Reeves (LS)

Sealed and delivered in presence of us Charles Wilkins E D Woodruff
Be It Remembered that on the seventh day of October in the year of our LORD one thousand eight hundred and twenty three before Me Elias D Woodruff Esquire one of the Masters in the high court of Chancery of the State of New Jersey personally appeared the within named Joseph Reeves the surviving executor of Arthur Reeves deceased and acknowledged that of his own free will and record he did sign seal and as his voluntary act and deed did deliver the within Indenture for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and requested the same might be recorded as such the contents thereof being by me first made known unto him and I being satisfied that is the real grantor thereof E. D. Woodruff
Recorded October 8th 1823


FamilySearch - Gloucester County, New Jersey Deed Book LL, p417