1833 Deed - David & Mehitable Reeve & Jonathan Reeve to Halsey Tibbels

1833 Deed - David & Mehitable Reeve & Jonathan Reeve to Halsey Tibbels

1833 Deed - David & Mehitable Reeve & Jonathan Reeve to Halsey Tibbels


Suffolk County, New York
Deed Book Q, p130
26 Mar 1833


This Indenture made this twenty sixth day of March one thousand eight hundred and thirty three. Between David Reeve and Mahitable Reeve his wife of the town of Southampton and County of Suffolk and State of New York and Jonathan Reeve of the town of Riverhead in the County and State aforesaid of the first part - and Halsey Tibbels of the town of Riverhead aforesaid of the second part: Witnesseth that the said parties of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of eighty dollars to them in hand paid have sold and by these presents do grant and convey to the said party of the second part a certain track or parcel of land situate, lying, and being in the town of Southampton in said County and being two thirds of the of the East half of that part of lot No six which lies southerly of the great pond so called in Toppings purchase in the town of Southampton beginning at the Southend of said pond and running southerly about two miles to a place called half way over and being about thirteen rods wide from east to west and bounded westwardly by the land of Barny R. Corwin, eastwardly by east line of said lot it being the south part of that part of lot No six which was given to us by our Grandfather Reeve - Deceased containing by estimation fifty acres of land be the same more - two undivided third parts of which is hereby conveyed - together with the appurtenances and all the estate title and interest of the said parties of the first part therein, and the said David Reeve and Jonathan Reeve for themselves their heirs Do hereby covenant and agree to and with the said party of the second part that at the time of making this conveyance were the lawful owners of inheritance therein that they are free and clear of all incumberances. And the above granted premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns against every person whomseover will warrant and foever Defend.
In witness whereof the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hand and seals the day and year first above written.
Sealed and Delivered in presence of }David L. Reeve LS
George Miller}Mehittable Reeve LS
Jonathan Reeve LS

The within Lot No. 16 is 6 chains 57 links wide on Hul Osborns line and is 6 chains 55 links squar across the lot taken from Osborns survey

State of New York }
County of Suffolk } SS:

On the 30th day of March 1834 before me came David L. Reeve and Mehittable his wife and Jonathan Reeve known to me to be the individual described in and who have executed the within conveyance and severally acknowledge that they executed the same and the said Mahitable on private examination apart from her said husband acknowledged that she executed the said conveyance voluntarily without a fear or compulsion of her said husband.
George Miller, Commissioner of Deeds

Recorded the 5th day of June 1834, at 3 O'clock P.M.
S LHommedeau Asst. Clerk.


FamilySearch - Suffolk County, New York Deed Book Q, p130