T67 Testing - ShowPages Plugin Broken


ShowPages Plugin - v6.7

TW Ticket

See http://dev.tiki.org/item4212

Issue Description (from TW Ticket 4212)

Have just upgraded from 4.3 to 6.7 and find Plugin Showpages is no longer producing output.

Looked at http://doc.tiki.org/PluginShowpages for inspiration and notice that the examples there do not seem to be functioning.

Suspect plugin Listpages now has equivalent similar functionality.

Was using {SHOWPAGES(find=>FAQ_ display=>desc) /} but I don't see how to simply display the page description with ListPages.

Issue History

Initial 04May2012 - Initially included as part of perceived wider Plugin issues under topic "Plugin Approval" with commentary "Many plugins are currently not producing output. See for example page FAQ_Home which utilises {SHOWPAGES(find=>FAQ_) /}"

Update 06May2012 - Disassociated both ShowPages and the WantedPages plugin issues from the problem with the button on the admin page and started to track them separately.

The ShowPages plugin is failing to produce expected output. This is probably a bug in TW6.7 as the documentation page at http://doc.tiki.org/PluginShowpages also lacks output from the example uses of the plugin on that page.

Update 06May2012 - Ticket 4212 opened

Update 08May2012 - Affected pages FAQ_Home, ZZZ-MRB-Test001, ZZZ-MRB_Test020, ZZZ-MRB-Test025 have had a ListPages alternate added. T67_Plugin_Test is deliberately left as is.

Updated 18May12 - Bug confirmed by TW on 11May12 and patches made for next versions of both 9.x and 6.x
Contributors to this page: @MartinB and MartinB. .
Page last modified on Saturday 08 of July, 2017 03:22:52 CDT by @MartinB.