Reeve, David (c1770s - 1841)


Reeve, David



Birth: c1770s
Birth Source: Census

Death: 21 Mar 1841
Death Source: Will & Probate

Spouse1: Catherine


David Reeve of New York City wrote his will on 16 Nov 1840 and it was proved 28 Jun 1841. In it he mentions his wife Catherine and siblings Solomon T. Reeve, Elias Reeve and Mary Reeve.

The petition of the widow Katherine Reeve of New York City states that David was a carpenter and that he died 20 Mar 1841. She stated that the "deceased left him surviving two Brothers that is to say Solomon Reeve residing near Flushing as your petitioner is informed and believes on Long Island in the State of New York and Elias Reeve whose residence is unknown and one sister that is to say Mary Hudson widow of (blank) Hudson deceased residing as your petitioner is informed and believes near Flushing aforesaid. All of full age the only next of kin and heirs at law of the said David Reeve deceased."

A notice appeared in various newspapers including the New-York Tribune on 16 Apr 1842 calling for claims against the estate. It mentions that David was a carpenter, late of New York City.

Research Notes

Brother Elias may be the Elias Reeve who moved to Vigo County, Indiana. This would lead to the possibility that his father was Zadock Reeve.


1840 Census:  New York Ward 11, New York, New York

1840 Will - David Reeve - New York County Surrogate's Court, New York Will Book 83, p411
New-York Tribune, 16 Apr 1842
FamilySearch - New York City Probate Proceedings 1841, David Reeve