Reeve, Experience (? - ?)


Reeve, Experience


Father: Jonathan Reeve

Birth Source:

Death: probably before 1832
Death Source: Deed

Spouse1: Ezra Reeve


The will of her father Jonathan states the following concerning the couple:
"..if my daughter Experience Reeve wife of Ezra Reeve should be left a widow and come to want and nothing left her by her husband then she shall have the priviledge of living in my house and be supported and maintained out of my property left to my Grandsons according to their proportion so long as she stand in need of help and further if she should be under necessity of parting from her husband on account of his bad or hard usage or abuse it is my will that she come home at my house and live there untill such time as she can go and live in peace with her husband."

In 1832, there was recorded a statement in deed books stating that "Enoch Youngs do hereby acknowledge that Deborah Reeve the wife of Ezra Reeve who before he marriage to Ezra was the Widow of Nathan Raynor that she has a claim of Dower or thirds" in a piece of land. This seems to be the same Ezra and shows he was married twice. This would indicate Experience was probably deceased by 1832.

Research Notes


1809 Will - Hezekiah Reeve - Suffolk County, New York Surrogate's Court Will Liber C, p481
1823 Will - Jonathan Reeve - Suffolk County, New York Surrogate's Court Will Liber E, p14
Suffolk County, New York Deed Asst. Clerk Book N, p473