TRP News - 01 March 2022

March 2022

Wiki Stats - End February 2022

The total number of pages in the Wiki (as at 1 March 2022) now stands at 11823 (previously 11725, 11605, 11505), an increase of 98 pages during the month. Of the total, 2359 pages (was 2336, 2313, 2288) begin with a number and are most probably a date related gleaning.     We currently have 5219 wiki pages categorised as "People", of which 4706 begin with the letter "R".

Community members should log in to see more.

TRP Users

We ended February with 495 user accounts registered in TRP, a decrease of 1 over the month. We actually added five accounts during the month and as part of occasional housekeeping deleted six accounts which had never been claimed by the requesting user.   We had three users successfully activated their account during the past month. We welcome Kathaeleen, Clesa and Greg to our community and look forward to reading their contributions to TRP. Clesa and Greg are both off to a flying start having followed the guidance found at First Steps - Part 2 already created an AboutMe page for themselves - thank you and well done.

If you are having issues activating your account or have simply lost interest, please do let us know. Please contact New User Admin by sending an email to TRP123 (at) TheReevesProject (dot) org if you're stuck and need help or have subsequently decided you don't want to join our community. If you are not yet a member and would like to contribute to our community, please see our About Us page to find out a little more about TRP and then please complete our Join Us form to start the membership enrolment process.

Whether you joined TRP recently or a while ago, if you have yet to do so, please set a meaningful name for yourself as described in First Steps - Part 1. It isn't difficult and only takes a couple of minutes to do. If it helps, think of it as a (small) name label badge; so your first name plus the surname by which you are presently known (or at least the surname initial) would generally be a good choice. You'll find links to the remainder of the our six part First Steps as part of the FAQ - First Steps.

New FAQ Added - Detailing Children on a Person Page

We often see that new community members get carried away and add far too much detail about a subject's children on the page of their parent. That detail belongs on a separate page for the child and we're regularly explaining this on the Mentor Team talk pages. To avoid repeating ourselves in the future, we've added a new FAQ page Detailing Children on a Person Page.