Wiki Stats - End August 2024
The total number of pages in the Wiki (as at 1 August 2024) now stands at 14564 (previously 14498, 14418, 14306), a increase of 66 pages during this month. Of the total, 2983 pages (was 2950, 2931, 2900) begin with a number and are most probably a date related gleaning. We currently have 6547 wiki pages categorised as "People", of which 6020 begin with the letter "R".Community members should log in to see more.
TRP Users
During August we have received six new enquiries about membership of TRP, somewhat more than is usual during the (northern hemisphere) summer. We ended the month with 530 user accounts registered in TRP, an increase of three over the previous month and we had just one users successfully activated their account during August. They have set their real name as "Anonymous_Farnham" and we welcome them to the TRP Community. We look forward to reading their AboutMe page and the pages we hope they will contribute for their family, whose roots are in north west Kent in England.If you are having issues activating your account or have simply lost interest, please do let us know. Please contact New User Admin by sending an email to TRP123 (at) TheReevesProject (dot) org if you're stuck and need help or have subsequently decided you don't want to join our community. If you are not yet a member and would like to contribute to our community, please see our About Us page to find out a little more about TRP and then please complete our Join Us form to start the membership enrolment process.
Whether you joined TRP recently or a while ago, if you have yet to do so, please set a meaningful name for yourself as described in First Steps - Part 1. It isn't difficult and only takes a couple of minutes to do. If it helps, think of it as a (small) name label badge; so your first name plus the surname by which you are presently known (or at least the surname initial) would generally be a good choice. You'll find links to the remainder of the our six part First Steps as part of the FAQ - First Steps. Those same First Steps are also a great refresher for anybody returning to The Reeves Project after a period away.
Family Tree DNA - Family Trees (part 2)
Last month we noted the announcement from Family Tree DNA that they have established a new collaboration with MyHeritage to host family trees on their behalf. FtDNA advised that from 09 September 2024, any FtDNA hosted family tree would become read only as they will be retiring their tree builder tool. If you've yet to read our guidance from our August 2024 news page, we'd encourage you to do so as soon as possible.Since we are a One Name Study, we choose not to host family trees on behalf of our members. For most folks, only one twig in your tree will be for your R*v*(s) ancestors and all the other twigs won't be directly relevant to our One Name Study. But there are a couple of features within TRP which can highlight your R*v*(s) heritage.
Firstly, there are our "FamilyOf" pages. Where Person Pages have been created for a significant number of individuals across multiple generations, within a family, we can create a "FamilyOf" page. Staring with the earliest known ancestor, our FamilyOf pages list their descendants where a Person Page has been created. See, for example, FamilyOf_Reeves_William_4418, FamilyOf_Reeves_William_602 and FamilyOf_Reeves_Israel_39.
Once you've added TRP Person Pages for the majority of your R*v*(s) tree, let our Admins know via your Mentor Teams Talk page and we'll review the degree of coverage and create the FamilyOf page. Since FamilyOf pages are about a R*v*(s) family and not an individual TRP Community Member, TRP does not need consent to create a new FamilyOf page.
Secondly, there are our "Line of Descent" pages. The vast majority of our Line of Descent pages tie a DNA Donor to their earliest known ancestor, but you don't need to be a DNA Donor (or DNA kit manager) to have a Line of Descent added to TRP. Because of the various Terms and Conditions imposed by FtDNA on both the DNA Donors and on the DNA Project Group Administrators, TRP will ONLY create a Line of Descent for a DNA Donor if the Donor provides explicit written consent. This is in addition to the initial consent required by TRP to simply be able to associate your name to your DNA Kit, which is detailed on TRP's page DNA Donor Information.
For both these types of page to be viable, it is critical that you first add to TRP Person Pages across multiple generations for both your direct line and their siblings at each generations. If you need further guidance, please contact your Mentor Team via its talk page.