TRP News - 01 January 2025

January 2025 - Happy New Year

Happy New Year

2024 as a whole was another busy year at The Reeves Project (TRP), although as is often the case December has been a relatively quiet month. We've seen our membership grow with 22 accounts being activated during 2024 and we end the year with 561 activated accounts.

During 2024 we have collectively added 872 new pages to TRP, slightly less than last year. Of those new pages, 476 have been a page name starting with the letter "R", which probably represent a new R*v*(s) ancestor being added; that's 116 pages more than in 2023. And many hundreds of existing person pages will have been updated with new information during the past year. What remains a little disappointing is that just less than one fifth of our community members have logged into TRP during the past year and only a small proportion of those have been actively contributing. Is your branch of your R*v*(s) tree, including all those 3g Aunts and Uncles, fully documented at TRP? Probably not and we'd welcome your contributions. If you need help, reach out to your mentor team via its talk page. (See First Steps - Part 3 for a reminder of how to use our Talk pages ...)

Wiki Stats - End December 2024

The total number of pages in the Wiki (as at 1 January 2025) now stands at 14730 (previously 14702, 14671, 14587), a increase of just 28 pages during what is typically our quietest month of the year.   Of the total, 3031 pages (was 3026, 3014, 2970) begin with a number and are most probably a date related gleaning.   We currently have 6607 wiki pages categorised as "People", of which 6080 begin with the letter "R".

Community members should log in to see more.

TRP Users

During December we have received four new enquiries about membership of TRP, one less than during the previous month. We ended the month with 580 user accounts registered in TRP, an increase of two over the previous month. We had two users successfully activated their account during December. We welcome Brian Yates and Dylan Platz to the TRP Community. They have both already created their AboutMe page - Thank You.

If you are having issues activating your account or have simply lost interest, please do let us know. Please contact New User Admin by sending an email to TRP123 (at) TheReevesProject (dot) org if you're stuck and need help or have subsequently decided you don't want to join our community. If you are not yet a member and would like to contribute to our community, please see our About Us page to find out a little more about TRP and then please complete our Join Us form to start the membership enrolment process.

Whether you joined TRP recently or a while ago, if you have yet to do so, please set a meaningful name for yourself as described in First Steps - Part 1. It isn't difficult and only takes a couple of minutes to do. If it helps, think of it as a (small) name label badge; so your first name plus the surname by which you are presently known (or at least the surname initial) would generally be a good choice. You'll find links to the remainder of the our six part First Steps as part of the FAQ - First Steps. Those same First Steps are also a great refresher for anybody returning to The Reeves Project after a period away.

Reeves DNA Project Update - 4q2024

For the third successive quarter we have just one new member joining the Reeves DNA Project at FtDNA. As of 30 December 2024, the total current membership is now 455.

During October we welcomed Stephen to the project.

Through the past quarter we've received just one new set of Y-DNA test results to share with the Project.
    Kit 1020746 for Clyde Reeves                         assigned to DNA Group 24
Clyde's results were those mentioned last quarter as being "pending".   As previously announced back in October Clyde's Y-DNA matched those of an existing member who had been in the "ungrouped" poool since 2015, leading to the creation of our latest DNA Group, DNA Group 24. We are grateful to Clyde for kindly submitting a Donor Consent Form.

As ever, we would encourage all new Y-DNA donors or their representatives to make contact and allow us to identify them within TRP.

There has been a steady stream of match notifications for existing members of our project during the past quarter, including 2 notifications of Y-67 matches and 19 notifications of Y-37 matches which included on one day a batch of twelve matches to DNA Group 08. Unfortunately the subject of the Y-37 test with 12 matches has yet to join the Reeves DNA Project at FtDNA.

During the past quarter we've seen no notifications for existing project members receiving new Big-Y results.

Membership Criteria & DNA Group XX

Unlike some one name DNA studies, the Reeves DNA Project is happy to welcome all those with an interest in the Reeves surname (and its variants), regardless of their gender or their surname. For those who have taken a Y-DNA test, if your results match one of our pre-existing Groups, we will automatically link your kit with that group. All other Y-DNA test results remain in the ungrouped pool.

However, keeping the ungrouped pool free of Y-DNA results we know should never expect a Reeves Y-DNA match makes life much easier for both the admins and those project members hoping to find a Reeves Y-DNA match. If your connection to the R*v*(s) surname is from a female ancestor and you have taken a Y-DNA test, please take a minute to read DNA Group XX's home page within TRP.

Year End Summary - 2024

Across the whole of 2024 we welcomed nine new members to the Reeves DNA Project and with no members resigning, the year end total is 455 members..

At the end of 2024, the project has 282 members who have taken some level of Y-DNA test, an increase of 12 over the past year. Of these, 248 are tests of a Y-37 or higher resolution. The Y-37 test is now considered the entry level Y-DNA test within this project to allow matching to be undertaken with reasonable certainty. If you currently only have results for a Y-12 or Y-25 test, we suggest you consider upgrading to at least the Y-37 level. It is always worth checking to see if upgrades are included in the various FtDNA sales though the year. Note however, upgrades beyond Y-111 tend not to represent value for money within our project, unless you are actively working closely with other Y-DNA cousins to identify your shared ancestors.

During the year we added one new DNA Group, Group 24 which was first reported in mid October 2024.

If you missed last quarter's summary, the DNA Project Update for 3q2024 is available here.

Contributors to this page: MartinB. .
Page last modified on Friday 03 of January, 2025 13:42:16 CST by MartinB..