1656 Will - Robert Rives
Dated: 2 Jun 1656, Fifehead Neville, DorsetProbated: Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 22 Oct 1658
Recorded: Piece 283 (Wootton), folio 26 reverse
In the name of God Amen I Robert Rives of Fiferead (sic) in the County of Dorsett gent being in good helath and of sound and perfect memory (praised bee Allmighty god) I seeing and considering the frayletie of this mortall life espetiallie in these distracted times and beinge resolved to settle that small Fortune which it hath pleased his heavenly goodness to bestowe upon mee in this transitory lief doe make this my last will and testament in manner and forme followeingeFirst I recommend my poore and sinfull soule into the hands of that Allmighty god which gave it mee in full hope and assurance and that notwithstanding the unworthinesse thereof yet through the death merrits and passion of his sonne Jesus Christ my onelie Saviour and Redeemer hee accept thereof an receive it into his everlastinge habitacon And my body I commit to the Earth from whence it came and desire it may bee buryed in decent yet private manner.
Item I give unto thee reparations of the church of Fifeheads Hevill aforesaid (in case I shall bee therein buryed) the summe of twentie shillings.
Item I give unto the poore of the said parish the like summe of twentie shillings to bee distributed amongst them within a moneth after my decease in such manner as my wief shall thinke fitt.
Item I give unto my said wief Anne six of my best cowes such as shee shall make choyce of and the use of all or asmuch of my plate bedding linnen household stuffe and implements of house and husbandry as other shall thinke fitt to use as well that hereby bequethed as otherwise desiringe her to preserve the same amongst them in such manner as shee shall thinke fitt after death or before and in default of her distribucon my other executors in trust hereafter named to dispose of the same amongst my children as they shall thinke fitt.
Item I give unto Anne my daughter the summe of three hundred pounds currant money of Englande the same to bee paide unto her at her age of twentie yeares or daie of marriage (if shee marrie with the consent of my said executors in trust and overseers hereafter named or the survivour of them and she in the meane tyme to save her mayntenance out of the same if her mother will not maynteyne her whereby the profitt of her money may increase her said portion, and in case she dye before her said marriage or age of twentie yeares the same her portion ot bee divided to and amongst her brothers Robert and John Rives in such propertion as the rest of my estate is hereafter limitted and divided amongst them And in case my said wief shall have any child or children in ventre samore at my death my will is that my said executors in trust and overseer hereafter named shall take of and dispose of soe much of my estate hereby gien to my said sonnes and daughter to and for the benefitt of such child or children as to them or the survivors of them shall seeme meete and in such proportion and my said sonnes and daughter to be bound thereby.
Item I give unto my said sonne Robert my eldest sonne my best silver tanfers and all the rest of my goods and chattells my plate debts implements of house and husbandrie which I nowe have or shall bee possessed of or any other person or persons to my use or in trust for mee (my debts and funerall expences being discharged) I give to and amongst my two sonnes Robert Rives and John Rives whom I make executors of this my last will and testament. But my eldest sonne Rovert to have a double proportion And in case either of them dye before their full age of twentie and one yeares then the whole estate hereby bequeathed to that sonne soe dyinge to goe to his survivinge brother. And in case they both dye before their said severall ages of twentie and one yeares thne the whole estate hereby bequeathed to ....ing said sonnes to goe unto her said sister Anne Rives and to such child or children as shall be in ventre sa mere if any such shall soe happen to bee amongst them to bee divided as my said executors in trust and overseer hereafter named or the surviver of them shall thinke fitt and in default of their allotment the same to bee equally divided amongst them And in case either of them die the estate to goe to the survivour or survivour of them and in case they all die before their ages of twentie and one yeares or daies of marriage then my whole estate remayneing to be equallie divided to and amongst the children of Mary Powsell my sister wief of Alexander Powsell. But their eldest sonne Thomas to have noe parte thererof And I doe hereby earnestlie intreate constitue and appointe the said Anne my welbeloved wief my loveing cozens Mr George Rives of Randleston and Mr John Fussell of Blandford to bee my executors in trust during the minority of my said Sonnes Robert Rives and John Rives and my cosen Mr John Rives of Hanford to bee my Overseer of this my will desiringe ? aide and councell in advisinge my saide executors in trust as alsoe my said sonnes (in case hee live to see them of age) in the performance and execucon of this my will. And unto my said cozens Mr George Rives Mr John Fussell and Mr John Rives and to each of them I give a peece of plate of the vallue of tenne pounds or tenne pounds a peece in money at their eleccon in hope that they will accept thereof. My further will and desire is that my said executors in trust after my decease as soone as they can with convenience (if the same may bee procured) purchase my said sonnes Robert Rives and John Rives their lives in my liveinge at Sturminster, and put them into one Lease (if it may bee) but my sonne Robert to have the power both of lines and Livereige and that to bee accompted as soe much of his part of the divident wherein I hope Mr Ffroke will use them well in respect I have faithfullie served him to apprentices to my losse and at soe lowe a rate as my executors and overseer well knowe and are able to testifie to Mr Freake if hee shall bee pleased to reare them although by inforation hee hath been much sett against mee by some that never intended his good but their will And herein I hope hee will creditt a dyeinge man wch I leave to his judgement and goodnesse. I likewise desire and will my said executors in trust to purchase by exchange my sonnes Robert Rives and John Rives their lives in my Lease at Fifehead but Robert to have it if my estate @ Cheriton stands good. And John to have my estate at Cheriton the same estates to come to their handes when my said executors in trust and overseer or the survivour of them shall thinke fitt, But if Sturminster cannot be had then my will is that Robert Rives shall have Cheriton if my said estate stands good and John to have Fifeheade and the rest of my estate to bee divided and idsposed of as above as my said executors in trust shall thinke fitt wherein Robert to have a double proportion and that my said sonnes be placed abroade in the world therewith or with parte thereof or otherwise as my said executors in trust and overseer or the survivour of them shall thinke fitt wherein I would they should have my wives approbation in reasonable sort. And the acts of my said executors and overseer and the survivour of them to bind my children And I doe hereby revoke all former willes by mee made And in testimony that this is my last will and earnest request unto my said executors in trust and overseer I have written this my will and with my owne hand in two sheets of paper and have hereunto sett my hand and seele and published the same this second day of June in the yeare of our Lord god according to the computason now used in England one thousand six hundred fiftie and six
Robert Rives
In the presence of Joseph Gannett Thomas Williams Nicholas Ridgway
This will was proved at London the twoe and twentieth day of October in the yeare of our Lord god according to the common computacon of the Church of England one thousand sixe hundred fiftie eight Before the judges for probate of Willes and grannting Administracions lawfullie authorized By the Oath of Anne Rives the Relict and one of the executors in trust named in the same Will to whom was committed the Administracon of the goods chattles and debts of the said deceased according to tenor and effect of the said will shee being by comission first sworne truelie to Administer the same Power being Neverthelesse Reserved to George Rives and John Fussell gent the other executors in trust named in the said will to take upon them the like probate and Administration when they shall legally require the same.