1711 Petition - Coleman et al vs James Reeves Adms

1711 Petition - Coleman et al vs James Reeves Adms

Coleman et al vs Adms of James Reeves

Essex County, Virginia
Court Order Book 4, pg. 427
18 Mar 1711


Edward Coleman & Ann his wife Robert Moss & Martha his wife prefer a petitioning Henry Reeves Joseph Reeves and Thomas Munday admrs of the Estate of James Reeves deced and Set forth that the sd Admrs refused to make up an actc: (sic accounting) of the sd James his Estate and pay the sd Ann & Martha Sisters of the sd deced their parts, therefore ordered by the Court that the Sheriff Sumon the admrs aforesd to appear at the next Court to answer the sd. petition.


Essex County VA Court Order Book 4, pg. 427, scanned original images online at Family Search

Contributors to this page: Beverly .
Page last modified on Sunday 17 of June, 2018 09:18:07 CDT by Beverly.