1726 Case Depositions - Reeve et al vs Baynes et al


1726 Case Depositions - Reeve et al vs Baynes et al


Exchequer: King's Remembrancer: Depositions taken by Commission, E 134 - George I


Interries to be administred to the wittnesses to be produced sworne and examined on the part and behalfe of John Reeve of Toppesfield Joseph Reeve and James Reeve sonns of Jonathan Reeve late of Bocking by Elizabeth his wife one of the Daughters of Jeremiah Reeve deced the sd Joseph Reeve and James Reeve being infants by the sd Elizabeth Reeve their mother and pchein amy John Reeve of Boones and Elizabeth his wife & Robert Baynes Complts against Thomas Baynes John Baynes William Baynes Charles Gibbs and Mary his wife Elizabeth Baynes Jonathan Reeve and John Morley Esqr Defts

Imprs: Do you know the parties Complts and Defts in the title of the Interries named or any or either and which of them and did you know Jeremiah Reeve late of Bocking in the County of Essex Gent deced Declare.

Item Did you know Jonathan Reeve and Elizabeth his wife John Baynes and Ellen his wife which Elizabeth and Ellen were the Daughters of the sd Jeremiah Reeve in the first Interry named & what child or children had the sd Jonathan Reeve and Elizabeth his wife and what were their respective Christian names and what child or children had the sd John Baynes and Ellen his wife and what were their names respectively & are any & which of the Complts and Defts the Grandchildren of the sd Jeremiah Reeve begotten betweene the sd Jonathan Reeve & Elizabeth his wife or betweene the sd John Baynes and Ellen his wife sett for the same severally and distinctly to the best of your knowledge & were the sd Grandchildren borne & liveing att & before the time of the Death of John Reeve son of the sd Jeremiah Reeve.

Item Did you know John Reeve son of the sd Jeremiah Reeve and was the sd John Reeve the son ever married as you know believe or have heard or did he died unmarried and without issue and when and about what time did he depart this life your knowledge beleife and reasons thereof Declare.

Item To the paper writing now produced and shewed unto you att this the time of your exaion the last Will and Testament of Jeremiah Reeve in the first Interry named as you know or believe & where & when did you first see the same or how did the same come to your hands possession and knowledge and were you ever acquainted with the hand writing of the sd Jeremiah Reeve the testor and is or doe you beleive the name thereto subscribed to be of his the sd Jeremiah Reeves owne proper hand writing declare what you know or believe herein.

Item Did you know and were you well acquainted with any and which of the parties whose names are subscribed as wittnesses to the deed will or other writing now produced and shewed unto you att this the time of your exaion and were you acquainted with their or any and which of their hand writing If yea whither is the name or names of any and which of the sd parties subscribed as wittnesses to the sealing & executing or publishing of the sd Deed will or other writing soe produced of his her or their owne respective proper hand writings and is or are such person or persons dead and if yea where did they respectively die and where buryed and when as you know or believe declare the truth with all your reaons for the same

Item Is the paper writing now produced and shewed unto you att this the time of your exaion a true copy of soe much of the Register Booke of the parish of Bocking in the County of Essex as it purports to be and did you compare and examine the same by and with the sd Register Booke and did you find the same to agree therewith and to be a true copy of soe much thereof as it purports to be and doe you know that the sd severall persons named Jeremiah Reeve and Jeremiah Reeve in the paper writing now produced and shewn to you being a copy of the sd Register were of any and what relacon to each other and which of them died first your knowledge beliefe and reasons declare.

Item Doe you know the manor of Fenns with the messuage and lands thereunto belonging in Bocking aforesd now or late in the occupacon of the Deft Thomas Baynes another messuage or tenement and lands thereunto belonging now or late in the tenure or occupason of John Webb one other messuage or ? and a cottage called the Redd Lyon and about four acres of land thereunto belonging in Bocking aforesd in the occupason of John Holines and a messuage or tenement and about seven acres of land in Systed in the sd County of Essex now or late in the occupasion of John Kettly or doe you know any other messuages lands or tenements either freehold or coppyhold lying in the sd County of Esxe which the sd Jeremiah Reeve died seized of and doe you know the yearly value of the sd farmes and lands or att what yearly rents the same or any and which of them have beene lett att for three years last past and to whom lett for the yearly rents the sd farmes and lands have bin severally lett att or might have bin lett att and to whom lett dureing the time aforesd and to whom the rents have bin paid together with whatelse you know beleive or have heard as to the matter of this interry with your reasons for the same.

Item Do you know of any other matter or thing which may tend to the benefitt or advantage of the Complts in this cause if soe sett forth the same with your reasons therefore.
J Comyns

(other signatures)

Deposieone of witnesses toaken upon oath this twenty first day of Aprill in the twelfth yeare of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George by the Grave of God of Great Brittain France & Ireland king Defendr of the Faith &c Annoq Dm 1726 At the house of Alexander Applehard? comonly called or known by the name or signe of the house in Braintree in the County of Essex by Vertue of a Comison issuing out of his Maties Court of Exchequer at Westen us John Poulter Thomas Crasherode Thomas Mayhew & Ralph Cole Gent Directed for exaiason of Witnesses in a certain cause depending in the sd Court between John Reeve & Joseph Reeve & James Reeve infants by Elizabeth Reeve widow their next friend John Reeve and Elizabeth his wife & Robert Baynes Compts Thomas Baynes John Baynes Wm Baynes Charles Gibbs and Mary his wife Elizabeth Baynes Jonathan Reeve & John Morley Esqr Defts before the sd John Poulter Thomas Creshew Thomas Mayhew & Ralph Cole Wee the sd John Poulter Thomas Crasherode Thomas Mayhew & Ralph Cole and also Joseph Barker George Wegg Junr & Adams Saunderson Clarks having first taken the oaths according to the tenour of the sd Comison
Samuel Fowler of Braintree in the County of Essex Gent aged sixty three years & upwards being sworne & examined deposeth as follows
  • To the first Interry this Depot saith that he doth not know Joseph Reeve John Baynes Wm Baynes or Elizabeth Baynes but doth know all the other parties in the title these interries named
  • To the fourth Intery this Dept saith that he doth believe that the paper writing now provided and shewn unto him is the last Will & Testament of Jeremiah Reeve deced in the first Intery mensoned saith that the same was above four years since amongst other original wills proved in the peculiar Jurisdicon of Bocking delivered over to this Dept as succeeding Deputy Register of the sd peculiar by the Representative of Mr Phillip Belts deced former Deputy Register of the said Office
  • To the fifth Interry this Dept saith that he knew & was well acquainted with Jonathan Reeve and Saml Harridance two of the subscribing witnesses to the said will of the said Jeremiah Reeve in the preceding interry named and was acquainted with their severall hands writing and does believe that the names Jonathan Reeves & Samuel Harndause subscribed thereto as witnesses are of their proper hand writing and that the said Jonathan Reeve & Samuel Harridans are dead
John Savage of Rivenhall in the County of Essex Gent aged sixty seven years or thereabouts been sworne & examined deposeth as follows
  • To the first Interry this Dept saith that he knows the Complts John Reeve John Reeve & Robert Baynes but no other of the Compts and that he knows the Dept Thomas Baynes John Baynes William Baynes Mary the wife of Thomas Gibbs Elizabeth Baynes & John Morley but has no acquaintance with the other Depts and saith that he did not know Jeremiah Reeve in this Interry named
  • To the fifth Interry this Dept saith that he was well acuqainted with John Baynes whose name is subscribed as a witness to the paper writing now produced and shewn to this Dept purporting the last Will and Testament of Jeremiah Reeve deced and also with the hand writing of the sd John Baynes and saith that the said John Baynes departed this life at Braintree in the County of Essex about twenty years since and was interred at Lampford and burther saith that the name John Baynes subscribed as a witness to the execuson of the sd Will was of the proper hand writing of the said John Baynes deced as this Dept verily believes
Samuel Allen of Steeple Bumsted in the County of Essex Yeom aged about fifty years being sworne and exaied deposeth as followeth
  • To the fifth interry this Dep saith that he was well acuqainted with John Baynes whose name is subscribed as a witness to the execuson of the will now produced and shewn to him this Dept and was also well acquainted with the hand writing of the said John Baynes and he verily believes that the name John Baynes subscribed as a witness to the execuson of the said will is of the proper hand writing of the sd John Baynes and that the sd John Baynes dyed severall years since at Braintree in the County of Essex & was buryed at Sampford in the sd County as this Dep has heard
Susanna Reeve of Bocking in the County of Essex widow aged sixty years & upwards being sworne & examined deposeth as follows
  • To the first interry this Dept saith that she knows all the parties Complt & Defts and hath known them for several years last past and did likewise know Jeremiah Reeve in this interry named for several years before his death
  • To the second and third interries this Dept saith that she knew Jonathan Reeve John Baynes and Ellen his wife in the second interrie named in their respective livestime and knows Elizabeth the relict of the sd Jonathan Reeve deced in the same interrie also named and saith that the sd Elizabeth Reeve and Ellen Baynes were Daughters of the sd Jeremiah Reeve in the prceeding interry named and further saith that Jonathan Reeve had by the sd Elizabeth his wife several children vizt Jonathan John Elizabeth Joseph & James and Benjamin who is since dead and further saith that the said John Baynes and Ellen his wife had several children vizt Thomas John William Mary Elizabeth & Robert and the Dept further saith that all the Compts (except John Reeve of Boones) and also the Deft Jonathan Reeve were children of the sd Jonathan Reeve & Elizabeth his wife and grandchildren of the said Jeremiah Reeve and that the Depts Thomas Baynes John Baynes Wm Baynes Mary the wife of Charles Gibbs and Elizabeth Baynes children of the sd John Baynes and Ellen his wife and Grandchildren of the sd Jeremiah Reeve and that the said Grandchildren were all born before and living at the time of the death of John Reeve son of the said Jeremiah Reeve and further saith that the said John Reeve son of the said Jeremiah dyed about two years since unmarried without issue
Joseph Davie of Wethersfield in the County of Essex Yeom aged thirty eight years and upwards formerly sworn & examined on the part and behalfe of the Def Thomas Baynes & now Sowrne and Examined on the part & behalfe of the Complts deposeth as follows
  • To the seventh interry this Dept saith that he doth not know that the sd Jeremiah Reeve in this interry named dyed seized of any messuages lands and tenements in this interry particularly mensoned or of any other messuages lands or tenements in the County of Essex
Richard Bennett of Bocking in the County of Essex Weaver aged sixty seven years or thereabouts being sworn & examined deposeth as follows
  • To the first Interry this Dept saith that he knoweth all the Complts and Depts in the Title of these Interrys named (Except the Complt Robert Baynes and the Defts John Baynes Wm Baines and Elizabeth Baynes) and also knew Jeremiah Reeve in this Interry inquired after
  • To the second and third Interry this Dept saith that he knew Jonathan Reeve and Elizabeth his wife and also John Baynes and Helle his wife in the second interry named and that the sd Jonathan Reeve and Elizabeth his wife had six children (vizt) Jonathan John Elizabeth Joseph & James and also Benjamin (deced) and also saith that the sd Dept Thomas Baynes and Mary the wife of the Dept Charles Gibbs are children of the sd John Baynes and Hellen but what other children they had this Dept cannot sett forth and this Depont further saith that the sd John Reeve Joseph Reeve and James Reeve and also Elizabeth the wife of John Reeve of Boones four of the Compts and Thomas Baynes & Mary the wife of Charles Gibbs two of the Defts were grandchildren of the said Jeremiah Reeve and which said Grandchildren except Benjamin were all born before & living at the death of the said Jeremiah Reeve but what other of the Compts of Depts were Grandchildren of the sd Jeremiah Reeve this Dept cannot sett forth and further saith that the sd John Reeve dyed about two years ago
  • To the fourth interry this Dep saith that he hath looked upon the paper writing now produced & shewn to him at this the time of his examinason purporting to be the last Will and Testamt of Jeremiah Reeve in this Interry named and that he was very well acquainted with the hand writing of the said Jeremiah Reeve and that the name subscribed as party thereto this Dept verily believes to be the proper hand writing of the sd Jeremiah Reeve the testator
  • To the fifth Interry this Dept saith that he was well acquainted with Saml Harridause? & Wm Bayley within lifetime & with their respective handwriting and verily believes the names Saml Harridause and William Bayley severally subscribed as witnesses to the execuson of th sd will are of the respective hand writings of the sd Samuel Harridause & William Bayley and verily believes that the name Jonathan Reeve subscribed as one other of the witnesses thereto is of the proper hand writing of Jonathan Reeve who marryed Elizabeth one of the Daughters of the sd Jeremiah Reeve and with that the said Harridause & Bayley and Jonathan Reeve are all long since dead
  • To the seventh interry this Dept saith that he doth know the manor of Fenns with the messuage and lands therunto belonging in Bocking in this interry mensoned to be in the occupason of the Deft Thomas Baynes and believes the same for three years last past were worth seventy pounds p anum to be lett and likewise knows another messuage with the lands & tenements thereunto belonging called Willoughbys in BOcking aforesd was in the occupason of John Webb which this Dept believes for the time aforesd were worth forty pounds a year and also another messuage or ? called the Red Lyon with four acres of land in Bocking aforesd now in the occupason of John Hoknes which this Dept believes for three years last past were rented at eight pounds p Anm or thereabouts of which said prmises the sd Jeremiah Reeve as this Dept believes dyed seized but what other lads and testaments the sd Jeremiah dyed seized off this Dept cannot sett forth and this Dept further saith that he hath heard & believes that the Dept Thomas Baynes hath resed the rents & profitts of the aforesd messuages lands and tenements for these three years last past and further saith not
John Holmes of Bocking in the County of Essex Innholder aged about forty years being sworne & examined deposeth as follows
  • To the first interry this Dep saith that he knows all the Compts & Defts in the title of these interries named Except Elizabeth Baynes and hath known them for several years but did not know Jeremiah Reeve in this interry named
  • To the fifth interry this Dept saith that he was well acquainted with William Bayley in his life time & with his hand writing & saith that the name William Bayley subscribed as one of the witnesses to the execuson of the will or paper writing now produced & shewn to him is of the proper hand writing of the said William Bayley as this Dept verily believes and further saith that the sd William Bayley dyed about eight years since was buryed at Backing aforesd
Jeremiah Athay of Bocking in the County of Essex husbandman aged sixty years and upwards being sworne & examined deposeth as follows
  • To the first Interry this Dept saith that he knows all the Compts and Defts in the Title of these interrys named except the Defts William Baynes and John Morley and did know Jeremiah Reeve in this Interry mesoned
  • To the fourth Interry this Dep saith that he was well acuqainted with the handwriting of the sd Jeremiah Reeve and that the name Jeremiah Reeve sett & subscribed to the paper writing or will ow produced & shewn to him at the time of this his examinason is of the proper hand writing of the said Jeremiah Reeve as this Dept veryly believe though the character is some whart different from that the said Jeremiah wrote in the time of his health
John Webb of Bocking in the County of Essex yeom formerly swor and examined on the oart of the Deft Thomas Baynes & now sworne & examined on the part of the Compts deposeth as follows
  • To the first interry this Dept saith that he knows all the Compts & Defts in the Titles of the sd Interries named except the Defts Elizabeth Baynes and John Morley and did know Jeremiah Reeve in this interry named
  • To the seventh interry this Dept saith that ke knows the mannor of Fenns with the messuage & lands to the same belonging and also the messuage & lands now & late in the occupason of this Dept and also the messuage or Jun & a cottage called the Red & Lyon & about for acres of land thereto belonging and that Jeremiah Reeve in the first interry named was owner of the same at the time of his death but for what rent these manor & lands called Fenns have been lett for three years last past this Dept cannot sett forth but saith that the same are rated in the parish Rates at fifty pounds p anum and further saith that he hath for the three years last past held the messuage and lands in this interry mensoned to be in his own occupason at the yearly rent of thirty three pounds thirteen shillings & four pence and saith that the Cottage & lands in the occupason of John Holmes have during that time been rated at about six or seven pounds p Anum & that the severall rents & profitts thereof have been rated during that time either by John Reeve deced or the Deft Thomas Baynes but as to what other of the messuages lands & tenements in this interry enquired after the said Jeremiah Reeve dyed seizd of this Dep named cannot sett forth
Joseph Pilley of Bocking in the County of Essex yeoman aged fifty years and upwards being sworne & examined deposeth as follows
  • To the first interry this Dep saith that he doth know John Reeve late of Toppesfield Joseph Reeve & James Reeve sons of Jonathan Reeve late of Bocking aforesd by Elizabeth his wife one of the daughters of Jeremiah Reeve decd and John Reeve of Boones and Elizabeth his wife five of the Compts but doth not know the other Complt Robt Baynes and does likewise know Thomas Baynes Jonathan Reeve and John Morley three of the Defts but knows no other of the Defts and had no acquaintance with Jeremiah Reeve in this interry inquired after
  • To the fifth interry this Dept saith that he was well acuqainted with Jonathan Reeve and Wm Bayley & with their hands writing and saith that the names Jonathan Reeve and Wm Bayley subscribed as witnesses to the execuson of the paper writing or will now produced and shewn to him are of the respective proper hands writing of the sd Jonathan Reeve & Wm Bayley as this Dept verily believes and saith that the said Jonathan Reeve and Wm Bayley have been dead several years
  • To the seventh interry this Dept saith that he knows the mannors or farme called Fenns and the messuage and lands thereto belonging now in the occupason of the Dept Thomas Baynes and the Farme and lands in the occupason of John Webb and the Red Lyon Jun in Bocking in the occupason of John Holmes but knows not the messuage and farme in stysted in this interry mensoned to be in the occupason of John Kettley nor saw this Dept sett forth what the said pmises have been rented at for these three years last past but believes that the said Manor farme called Fenns and the lands thereto belonging if offered to have been rented might have been lett at sixty pounds pAnm and saith that he has heard and believes that Jeremiah Reeve in this interry named was owner of the said prmises at the time of his death
John Saunders of Bocking in the County of Essex Innholdr aged forty five years & upwards being sworne & examined deposeth as follows
  • To the first interry this Dept saith that he did know John Reeve James Reeve & John Reeve of Boones & Elizabeth his wife four of the Compts but does not know any other of the Compts & doth also know Thomas Baynes Charles Gibbs & Mary his wife Jonathan Reeve & John Morley but knoweth not any other of the Depts in the title of these interries named and that he did ?nott know Jeremiah Reeve desed in this Interry inquired after
  • To the third interry this Dept saith that he did know John Reeve son of the said Jeremiah Reeve & that he dyed about two years since unmarryed & without issue
  • To the fifth Interry this Dept saith that he was well acquainted with Samuel Harridanse and with his hand writing and does verily believe that the name of Saml Harridanse subscribed as a witness to the execuson of the paper writing or will now pduced & shown to him this Depts
  • To the sixth interry this Dept saith that the paper writing marked with the Letter (W) now produced & shown to this Dept at this the time of his exaasion is a true copy of so much of the Rigister Book of the parish of BOcking as the same purports to be for that this Dept did compare and exaine the same wth the said Register Book and this Dept further saith Jeremiah Reeve and Jeremiah Reeve in this interry named were father & son & that Jeremiah Reeve the son dyed before the sd Jeremiah Reeve his Father
William Rayment of Braintree in the County of Essex Gent aged about forty years being sworne and examined deposeth as follows
  • To the first interry this Dept saith that he knoweth all the parties Compts and Defts in the Title of the Interries named
  • To the second interry this Dept saith that he very well knew Jonathan Reeve in this interry named who is sometime since dead and Elizabeth his wife who is now living and believes her to be one of the daughters of the said Jeremiah Reeve in the first Interry named but never knew John Baynes desed or Ellen his wife also deced who as this Dept also believes was another daughter of the said Jeremiah Reeve but knoweth all the parties Compts and Defts which are the children of the said Jonathan Reeve and Elizabeth his wife and the children of the said John Baynes and Ellen his wife which as this Dept has been informed and believes are all Grandchildren of the said Jeremiah Reeve which said Grandchildren are all the children of the said Elizabeth and Hellen Baynes that this Depnt can said or be informed of or believe to be now living or that were living at the time of the death of John Reeve son of the said Jeremiah Reeve who as this Dept is informed died sometime in the month of December 1723.

Interrogatorie? to be administred to witnesses to be produced sworn & examined on the part and Behalfe of Thomas Baynes one of the Defts in a cause depending in his Majies Court of Excheqr at ? wherein John Reeve Joseph Reeve and James Reeve the said Joseph Reeve & James Reeve being infants by Elizabeth Reeve their mother and prochein Amy John Reeve and Elizabeth his wife and Robert Baynes Complts against the said Thomas Baynes & John Baynes William Baynes Charles Gibbs and Mary his wife Elizabeth Baynes Jonathan Reeve and John Morley Defts.
  1. Do you know the party's Compts & Defts or either and which of them how long hae you known them any and which of them declare.
  2. Did you know Jeremiah Reeve of Bocking in the County of Essex Gent Grandfather of the said Deft Thomas Baynes If yea Do you know the time when he dyed & whether he left any and what issue if yea Declare the time when the said Jeremiah Reeve departed this life & who by named was his eldest son living at the time of his death.
  3. Did you know John Reeve the son of Jeremiah Reeve in the pleadings named if yea Do you know the time when he dyed If yea Declare as near as you can remember and whether he left any and what issue
  4. Do you know whether John Reeve the eldest son of Jeremiah Reeve in the leadings named Did at any time and when pay unto Jane Reeve his sister or unto John Ager his Brother in Law any and what sume & sumes of money If yea Declare when & how often & how mch and to which of them and on what account as you know or believe
  5. Look upon the papers writings produced and shewn unto you at this the time of your examinacon marked respectively with the figures 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 where and when and with what did you examine the same ? or is ot the same a true copy of wh.. purports to be
  6. Look upon the paper or parchment writeinge now produced and shewn to you at this the time of your examinacon marked respectively with the Letters C D E F G H J K L M Is your name subscribed thereon as a witness to the execucon thereof If yea Is your name so subscribed of your own proper hand writing Do you know or are you acquainted with the Character or hand writing of any of the other persons whose names are subscribed on the said deeds papers or parchment writings as witnesses to the exem? thereof If yea Declare which of their hand writeing you are acquainted with or do know and whether do you believe his or her name subscribed on the said deed paper or parchment writings as a witness or witnesses to the signing or execuson thereof is of his or her own proper hand writeing us such witness or witnesses liveing or dead declare the time when he or she dyed as you know or believe Did you see the said deeds papers or parchment writinge signed sealed and delivered if yea declare when and by whom are you well acquainted with or do you know the Character or hand writeing if yea declare which of their hand writing you do know or are well acquainted wth and whether you do believe the name of such person so subscribed to the execuson of the said deeds papers or writings is the proper hand writing of such person and whether such deeds papers or writeings as so signed or executed on or about the time of the date thereof or at any other time and when do you know or believe that the person or persons or any and which of them who signed sealed and delivered the said deeds papers or parchment writings was or were at the time of the execuson thereof ? sound or imperfect mind memory or understanding have you at any time and when heard such person or persons & who by name who executed the said deeds papers or parchment writings say or declare any thing and what concerning the said deeds papers or parchment writing and when and how often and how long before his death do you believe that the person or persons who executed the said deed paper or parchment writings or any and which of them was or were imposed on in any and what manner in the execuson thereof or whether the said deed was by him freely and voluntarily executed or prpared by his free and voluntary direcons? declare what you know or can say to this interrogatory with your reasons for the same.
  7. Were you present and did you see John Reeve in the pleadings named subscribe his name & seal publish & declare the paper writeing now produced and shewn unto you marked with the letter H as and for his last will and testament or not If yea set forth the particular day or ? in what month & year or in what place or at whose house the said John Reeve did subscribe his name & seal publish and declare the same to be his last will & Testament whether or no did the said John Reeve write and subscribe his name to the said paper writing as the same now appeares thereto in your prsence & in the prsence of the other persons whose names are subscribed as witnesses thereto or any & which of them whether or no did you & the severall other persons whose names are subscribed as witnesses to the said paper writing or will or any and which of them severally subscribed your or their or any and which of their names as witnesses to the execuson of the said paper writing or will by the said John Reeve in his prsence whether or no did he see you and the said severall other persons or any and which of them so subscribe your and their or any and which of their names is your name which appeares to be subscribed thereto of your own handwritinge or not and do you know or believe that the names of the other persons which appeares to be subscribed thereto or any and which of them is or are of their respective handwriting was the said John Reeve at the time of the execuson of the said will of unsound or impefect mind memory or understanding declare what you know believe or can say to each particular of this interrogatorie.
  8. Are you acquainted with the character or hand writing of all or any and which of the persons whose names or name are or is sett or subscribed to any and which of the papers Books or parchment writings now produced and shewn unto you marked respectively with the letters N O P Q R S T U V W X Y How and by what meanes and on what occasion cause you to be so are or is the name or names sett or subscribed to any and which of the said papers Books or parchment writings of the proper had writing of the person or persons the same purport or purports to be as you know or believe.
  9. Do you know whither John Reeve in the pleadings named as son or heir of Jeremiah Reeve in the pleadings menconed was ever admitted to the copyhold messuage and lands called Gonnells in the mannor of Woodham Walters in the pleadings mensoned was ever admitted to the copyhold messuage and lands called Gonnells in the mannor of woodham Walters in the pleadings mensoned if yea Declare when & how came you to know the same do you know whether the said John Reeve at any time did surrender the said copyland messuage and lands called Gonnells according to the custome of the said mannor into the hands of the Lord of the said mannor if yea declare what is the custome of the said mannor touching or concerning the surrender of estates holden of the said mannor and how and in what manner and to whom and when such surrender was made and to what use or uses and how you came to know the same do you know wehther any person or persons was admitted to the said copyhold prmises according to such surrender if yea declare whom by name and when
  10. Look upon the severall parchments now produced and shewn to you at this the time of your examincon and severally marked with the figures 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Declare whether they or any and which of them are the court Rolls or copys of Court Rolls of any what manner and when where and with what did you examine the same and with whom you had or found the same.
  11. Look upon the parchment writing now produced and shewn to you at this the time of your examinacon and marked with the Letter B where when & with what did you examine the same what is the contents thereof declare.
  12. Do you know of any other matter or thing or have heard or can say any thing touching the matters in Queon that may tend to the Benefitt or advantage of the Defts Thomas Baynes besides what you have been before Interrogated unto Declare the same fully & at large as if they were here particularly repeated and you were thereunto perticularly interrogated.
P. Holey

Departe of Thome Baynes
John Litchfeild of Bocking in the County of Essex Weavour aged seventy five years and upwards being sworn and examined deposeth as follows
  • To the firstt Interry this Deponent saith that he knoweth all the partys compts and Defpts in the Title of these Interys named (except Robert Baynes one of the Compts and John Baynes and William Baynes two of the Defts) and hath known them for several years
  • To the second Interry this Deponent saith that he well knew Jeremiah Reeve late of Bocking in the County of Essex Grandfather of the Defendt Thomas Baynes and beleives that the said Jeremiah Reeve dyed about twenty years since and saith that he left issue John Reeve Jane Reeve and Elizabeth Reeve and two other children this deponent beliefe or remebrance (Jeremiah Reeve his eldest son dying in the life time of his father without issue)
  • To the third interry this Deponent saith that the said John Reeve son of the said Jeremiah Reeve in this Deponents Deponents Deposition to the second interry named dyed about three since without issue
  • To the fourth interry this Deponent saith that he hath heard Jane Reeve in this Interry named some short time before her death acknowledge that her Brother (the aforesaid John Reeve) had from the death of the father paid her an annuity of sixteen pounds a year or some such sume given to her by her said father Jeremiah Reeve will but knowes of no payment made to John Ager in this Interry named and further saith not
James Deanish of Bocking in the County of Essex yeoman aged sixty eight years or thereabouts being sworn and examined deposeth as follows
  • To the first interry this Dept saith that he knoweth John Reeve & Elizabeth his wife two of the Complts & Thomas Baines one of the Defts & hath known them for severall years but knoweth none others of the Compts or Defts
  • To the second interry this Dept saith that he knew Jeremiah Reeve in this interry named who dyed as he believes abt twenty years since who at the time of left only one son John Reeve & severall daughters whose names he knoweth not and saith that the sd Jeremiah had one other son named Jeremiah who dyed in the life time of his father without issue.
John Kettle of Stisted in the County of Essex Malster aged seventy years and upwards being sworne and examined deposeth as ffollows
  • To the first interry this Deponent saith that he knows the Compts John Reeve and John Reeve and Elizabeth his wife and hath known them for severall years and hath also seen the other Compts but hath no acquaintance with them and also saith that he knowes the Deft Thomas Baynes Charles Gibbs Jonathan Reeve and John Morley and hath known them for severall years and believes he may have seen the other defts but hath no acuqaintance with them
  • To the second interry this Deponent saith that he did knowe Jeremiah Reeve in this Interry inquired after in his life time and that he dyed upwards of thirty years ago and that at the tiem of his death he left six children vizt John Reeve his onely son Sarah the wife of this Deponent Jane Reeve Elizabeth Reeve Hellen the wife of John Baines and Abigail the wife of John Ager
  • To the fourth interry this Deponent saith that the said John Reeve the son of the said Jeremiah did for five years and three quarters after the death of the said Jeremiah Reeve his father pay by himself and agents to his sister Jane Reeve or her order sixteen pounds a year being an annuity given her by the will of the said Jeremiah her father and saith that part of the same this Deponent resvd? for the said Jane's use and further saith that he hath heard John Ager in this interry named and his wife both say that the said John Reeve had paid to one of them for severall years ten pounds a year which was settled upon her by the said Jeremiah Reeve her father or to such effect.
Thomas Ager of Halbobourn in the County of Essex yeoman aged forty years and upwards being sworn and examined deposeth as follows
  • To the first Interry this Deponent saith that he knowes all the Compts except John Reeve the husband of Elizabeth and hath known them for several years and also saith that he knows all the Defts and hath known them for severall years
  • To the second Iterry this Deponent saith that he did knowe Jeremiah Reeve in this Interry inquired after in his Lifetime and that he dyed about thirty years ago and saith that the said Jeremiah Reeve at the time of his death left John Reeve his onely son and severall Daughters (Vizt) Abigail who married John Ager (this depoent's Grandfather) Jane Reeve and severall other daughters whose names he doth not remember
  • To the fourth interry this Deponent saith that he has heard and believes that the said John Reeve did from his fathers death pay to Abigail his sister or her husband or his Extor to the time of her decease which happened about the year one thousand seven hundred and nineteen an annuity of ten pounds p annum which was given to or settled upon her by her said father Jeremiah Reeve but saith that he knows of no sumes of money paid to Jane Reeve in this interry named
  • To the eighth interry this Deponent saith that the name Thomas Ager subscribed to the paper writing now produced and shewn to this Deponent at this time of his eaminason is the proper hand writing of this Deponent
Susann Reeve of Bocking in the County of Esseex widow formerly sownr and examined on the part and behalf of the Compts now sworn and examined on the part of the deft Thomas Baynes deposeth as follows
  • To the second interry this Deponent saith that she knew Jeremiah Reeve in this interry named in his lifetime byt cannot tell the exact time of his death but saith that he left issue John his only son and severall daughters
Joseph Davie of wethersfield in the County of Essex yeom aged thirty eight years & upwards being sworn & examined deposeth as follows
  • To the sixth Interrt this Depont saith that he did see the parchmt writing now produced & shewn to him at this the time of his examinacon marked with the Letter (E) signed sealed & delivered by John Reeve party to the same as his act & Deed and saith that the name Joseph Davie indorsed as a witness to the execuson thereof is of the proper hand writing of this Dept and that Robert Jeggon was also a subscribing witness thereto and saith that he believes the same was executed at the time whereon it bares date and that the sd John Reeve was then of sound mind & memory & executed the same voluntarily & freely
Edward Bateman of Bocking in the County of Essex husbandman aged about fifty nine years being sworn & examined & deposeth as follows
  • To the first interry this Dept siath that he knows all the parties Compts & Defts (except Wm Baynes) and hath known them for several years and beleives he hath seen the said Wm Baynes but hath little knowledge of him
  • To the second Interry this Dept saith that he knew Jeremiah Reeve in this Interry inquired after in his Life time and that he dyed about two or three and thirty years aged and that at the time of his death he left six children (Vizt) John his only son and five daughters Sarah Elizabeth Jane Hellen and Abigail
  • To the fourth interry this Dept saith that of his own knowledge he knows of no mony paid either to Jane Reeve or John Ager in this interry named but it was s? reported that the said John Reeve paid to his said sister Jane sixteen pounds a year as he long as she lived and tenn pounds a year to his sister Abigail the wife of John Ager as long as she lived towards their maintenance
Richard Bennett of Bocking in the County of Essex yeoman formerly sworn and examined on the part of the Compts and now sworn and exaied on the part of the Defendt Thomas Baynes deposeth as follows
  • To the second interry this Deponent saith that he knews Jeremiah Reeve in this interry inquired after in his life time and that he dyed in the year one thousand six hundred and ninety three and that at the time of his death he left issue John his only son and five daughters
Robert Jegon of Kelvedon in the County of Essex gent aged fifty years and upwards sworn and exained deposeth as follows
  • To the first Interry this Deponent saith that he knowes all the Compts and all the Defts and he known them for severall years last past
  • To the third Interry this Deponent saith that he did knowe John Reeve son of Jeremiah Reeve in the pleadings named and saith that he dyed without issue about the fourteenth of December one thousand seven hundred & twenty three at his messuage and farm called Fens in Bocking in Essex
  • To the sixth Interry this Dept saith that the the parchment Deed or writing now produced and shown to him at the time of his examinacon to this Interry marked with the Lr (E) was duely signed sealed and executed by John Reeve in the pleadings named and saith that this Depts name is indorsed thereon as a witness and that the name Rot Jegon is (2*) subscribed or indorsed thereon as witness is of this Depts own proper hand writing and saith that the name Joseph Davie indorsed also on the said Deed as a witness to the execuson thereof is of the proper hand writing of the said Joseph Davie and was sett or subscribed thereto by the said Jas Davie as a witness in the psence of this Deponent and saith that the said Joseph Davis (3*) is now living and this Dept saith that he did see the said parchment Deed a writing duely signed sealed and executed by John Reevein the pleadings naed on the day of the date thereof and that the name John Reeve thereto sett or subscribed was of the proper hand writing of the said John Reeve & that the said John Reeve at the time of his signing sealing and delivering of the said pchmt (4*) deed or writing was of sound and perfect mind memory and understanding and very well knew what he did and the same was executed by him freely and voluntarily and prepared by his direccon and this Dept further saith that the parchment Deed or writing now also produced and shown to him this Dept at this the time of his Examinason marked with the ? (F) (5*) duly signed sealed and delivered by the sd John Reeve and saith that this Depts name is indorsed thereon as a witness and that the name Rot Joger so subscribed or indorsed thereon as a witness is of this Depts own proper hand writing and saith that the name Jno Jegon indorsed also on the said Deed as a witness to the execuson thereof is of the proper hand writing of the (6*) said John Jegon and was sett or subscribed thereto by the said John Jegon as a witnes in the psence of this Dept and that the said John Jegon is now living and saith that he did see the said last parchemtn Deed or writing duly signed sealed and delivered by the said John Reeve on or about the day of the date thereof and that the name John Reeve thereto sett or subscribed was (7*) of the proper hand writing of the sd John Reeve and saith that the said John Reeve at the time of his executing the said last mesoned deed was of sound and perfect mind memory and understanding and very well knew what he did and the same was executed by hum freely and voluntarily and prepared by his direccon And this Dept further saith that the parchment (8*) Deeds conteing? now also produced and shown to him this Dept at this the time of his examinason to this Juterry marked with the lr (G) was duely signed sealed and delivered by the said John Reeve and the Deft Thomas Baynes and saith that this Depts name is indorsed thereon as a witness and that the name Rot Jegon so subscribed or indorsed thereon (9*) as a witness is of this Depts own proper hand writing and saith that the names Jno Jegon indorsed also on the said deed as a witness to the execuson thereof is of the proper hand writing of the said John Jegon and was sett or subscribed thereto by the said John Jegon as a witness in the presence of this Dept and saith that the said John Jegon is now liveing and this Dept saith (10*) that he did see the said parchmt deed or writing mensoned duely signed sealed and delivered by the said John Reeve and the sd Deft Thomas Baynes on or about the day of the date thereof and saith that the name John Reeve and Thomas Baynes thereto sett or subscrbied was of the proper hand writing of the said John Reeve and the Deft Thomas Baynes (11*) and saith that the said John Reeve at the time of his executing the said last mentioned deed was of sound and perfect mind memory and understanding and very well knew what he did and the same was executed by him freely and voluntarily and prepared by his direccon and this Dept saith that after the said two last parchment deeds or writings was executed (12*) this Dept offered the same to the said John Reeve who bid this Dept keepe them for him for if he should take them perhapes he might looke? them and said to this Dept I am sure you will keepe them safe or used words to that or the like effect and expressed himself at the time and severall times after to this Dept of his being well pleased and satisfied therewith
  • To the seventh interry this Dept saith that he was psent and did see John Reeve in the pleadings named subscribe his name and seale publich and declare the paper writing now produced and shewn to him this Dept at the time of this his examinacon to this interry marked with the lre (A) as and for his last will and Testament the day of the date thereof at the sign of the Cork and Bell in Chelmsford in Essex and saith that the said John Reeve did write and subscribe his name to the said paper writing as the same now appeares thereto in the prsence of this Dept and in the prsence of the other persons whose names are subscribed as witnesses thereto and saith that he did see Hary Young and John Jegon whose names are subscribed as witnesses to the said will severally subscribed their names as witnesses to the execuson of the sd will by the said John Reeve in this Dept prsence and in the prsence of the said John Reeve and saith that he did see the said Hary Young and John Jegon so subscribe their names thereto as they appear now to be and saith that the name Rot Jegon thereto subscribed as a witness is of the proper hand writing of this Deponent and was subscribed thereto as a witness in the presence of the said John Reeve and also of the said Henry Young and John Jegon and that the names Hen: Young and John Jegon thereto also subscribed as witnesses were of the proper hand writings of the said henry young and John Jegon and saith the said John Reeve was of sound and perfect mind memory and understanding at the time of his executing the said will and very well knew what he did and saith that the said John Reeve declared but a few days before he dyed to this Dept that he was well satisfyed with what he had done and hoped I (meaning this Dept) had made all secure to his cosen the deft Thomas Baynes for it was his reall will and desire that his cosen the sd deft Thomas Baynes should have all he had or used words to that like effect
  • To the eighth Intery this Dept saith that he was well acquainted with John Reeve in the pleadings mensioned whose hand is twise sett or subscribed to the paper writing marked with the ltr (P) now produced and shown unto him and saith that the same purports an account and receipt from the said John Reeve to his tenant John Webb for two years rent due Lady day one thousand seven hundred & nineteen and saith that the names John Reeve subscribed to the sd receipts is of the proper hand writing of the said John Reeve and that the said paper writing is of this Depts own hand writing
  • To the ninth interry this Dept saith that John Reeve in the pleadings named as son and heir of Jeremiah Reeve in the pleadings menconed was admitted to a copyhold messuage and lands called Gunnells holden of the mannor of Woodham Walter in the pleadings also menconed the twenty ninth of December one thousand six hundred and ninety three as appear by a copy of the Court Rolls in the Depts custody under the hand of Thomas Bramston Esqr now steward of the said mannor which copy this Dept hath examined with the court rolls of the said mannor and this Dept saith that the said John Reeve did on or about the seventeenth day of October One thousand seven hundred & twenty one surrender the said messuage and lands called Gunnells according to the custom of the sd mannor to the use of himself for life and imediately from and after his decease to the sole and proper use of the Deft Thomas Baynes and of his heirs and assigns forever and saith that the sd John Reeve at a court holde for the said mannor the nineteenth day of May one thousand seven hundred & twenty two was admitted for life according to the sd surrender and that the said Deft Thomas Baynes was also at the same court held the said nineteenth day of May one thousand seven hundred & twenty two adm... to the revortion of all and singular the said messuages when the same should happen by and after the death of the said John Reeve to hold to him his heirs and assigns.
  • To the tenth interry this Deponent saith that the parchment writing now produced and shewn to him this Deponent at the time of his examinasion marked with the figure (12) is a true copy under the stewards hand of the admission of John Reeve as heir at law to his father Jeremiah Reeve to a copyhold mesuage and lands called Gunnells holden of the mannor of Woodham Walter at a Court held for the said mannor the twenty nineth December one thousand six hundred & ninety three and this Dept saith that he did examine the same the sixth? day of this instant Aprill with the court rolls of the said mannor then is the custody of Thomas Bramstons Esqr steward of the said mannor at his house called Skwens in the parish of Roxwell in Essex and this Deponent also saith that the parchment writing now also produced ? shewn to this Dept at this the time of his examinacon marked with the figure (13) is also a true copy under the said stewards hand of the admission of John Reeve to the said copyhold messuage lands called Gunnells holden of the aforesaid mannor at a court held the nineteenth day of May one thousand seven hundred and twenty two and this Dept saith that he did examine the same the sixteenth day of this instant Aprill with the Court rolls of the mannor then also in the cstody of the said Thomas Bramston steward of the said mannor at his house called Skreens in the parish of Roxwell in Essexx and this Dept further saith that the parchment writing now also produced and shewn to this Dept at this the time of his examinacon marked with the figure (14) is also a true copy under the said stewards hand of the admisson of the day there Thomas Baynes to the copyhold messuage lands called Gunnells holden of the said mannor at the said court held the said nineteenth day of May one thousand seven hundred and twenty two and this Dept saith that he did examine the same the said sixteenth day of this instant Aprill with the Court Rolls of the sd mannor then in the Custody of the said Thomas Bramston steward of the said mannor at his house called skreens in the said parish of Roxwell
  • To the eleventh interry this Dept saith that the parchment writing now produced as shoewn to this Dept at the time of his examinacon to this interry and marked with the lre (B) is an exemplificaon of a Recovery suffered in Michas term in the eighth year of his present Majesty King George by John Reeve in the pleadings named of four messuages four gardens one hundred and fourty acres of land thirty acres of meadows one hundred and forty acres of pasture and tenty acres of wood with the appertenances in Bocking and Stysted in the County of Essex and further saith not
William Myall of Bocking in the County of Essex Thatcher aged fifty years and upwards being sworn and examined deposeth as follows
  • To the second interry this Dept saith that he knew Jeremiah Reeve in this Interry inquired after and that he dyed about thirty years agoe and that he left issue six children (Vizt) John his only son and five daughters namely Sarah Jane Elizabeth Abigail and Hellen
  • To the fourth interry this Dept saith that he hath heard and beleives that John Reeve did in his life time pay severall sumes of money to Jane Reeve his sister and John Agor his Brother in Law but how much and upon what account this Deponent cannot say
Jeremiah Athay of Bocking in the County of Essex husbandman formerly sworn and exaied on the part of the Compts and now sworn and exaied on the part of the Deft Thomas Baynes deposeth as follows
  • To the second interry this Depot saith that he knewe Jeremiah Reeve in this interry named who dyed many years... saith that the said Jeremiah Reeve at the time of his death left issue John his only son and five daughters vizt Sarah Jane Abigail Elizabeth and Hellen
  • To the fourth interry this Dept saith that he knows not of any money paid by John Reeve in this interry named unto Jane Reeve his sister or unto John Ager his brother in Law but hath heard there was a legacy given to the said Jane
John Webb of Bocking in the County of Essex yeoman aged forty years and upwards being sworn and exaied deposeth as follows
  • To the second interry this Deponents saith that he does remember Jeremiah Reeve in this interry named and that he dyed upwards of thirty years agoe and at the time of his death left issue John his only son and severall daughters
  • To the fourth interry the Deponent saith that he did on the account and by the order the said John Reeve (he this Dept being his tenent) pay unto John Ager in this interry named for severall years before the death of Abigail the wife of said John Ager ten pounds pannum being much given or settled upon her as this Dept has heard by her father upon her marriage
  • To the eighth interry this Deponent cannot depose because he can neither write or read save onely so far as he has learnt to write his name
Henry Young of witham in the County of Essex Innholder aged about fifty nine years being sworne exaied deposeth as follows
  • To the seventh interry this Deponent saith that he was present and did see John Reeve in the Interry named about four years agoe at the Cork and Bell in Chelmsford subscribe his name to and seale publish and declare the paper writing or will contained in two sheets of paper now produced and shewn to him this Depot at this the time of his examinacion marked with the letter (A) as and for his last will and Testament and saith that the name John Reeve was subscribed thereto as the same now appears in the presence of this Deponent and also of Robt Jegon and John Jegon who subscribed their names as witnesses to the said will in the presence of the said John Reeve and that the names thereto sett as witnesses as aforesaid and as they now appear to be sett are of the respective proper hand writing of this Dept and the said Robt Jegon and John Jegon and that the sd John Reeve at the time of the execusion of the sd will was (as this Dept beleives) of good and sound mind and understanding
John Jegon of Kelvedon in the County of Essex gent aged twenty one years and upwards being sworne exaied Deposeth as follows
  • To the seventh interry this Dept saith that on or about the eleventh day of January one thousand seven hundred & twenty one he this Dept did see John Reeve in the pleadings in this cause named sign seal publish and declare the paper writing containing two sheets of paper now produced and shewn to him marked with the lre (A) as & for his last will and Testament and that the same was executed at the sign of the Cork and Bell in Chelmsford and saith that the name John Reeve subscribed to the said paper writing is of the proper hand writing of the said John Reeve and was subscribed in the presence of this Dept and of Robt Jegon and henry young who all subscribed their names as witnesses to the execuson thereof in the prsence of the said testator John Reeve and further saith that the name Jno Jegon subscribed as a witness thereto is of this Depts own hand writing and that the names of the said Robt Jegon and Henry Young are of their respective hand writing and this Deponent further saith that the said John Reeve at the time of the execuson of the said will appeared to be of sound mind and understanding.
John Saunders of Bocking in the County of Essex Innholder formerly sowrn and exaied on the part of the Compts and now sworn and exaied on the part of the Deft Thomas Baynes deposeth as follows
  • To the second interry this Deponent saith that he knew Jeremiah Reeve Grandfather of the Deft Thomas Baynes both in this Interry named and saith that the said Jeremiah dyed about twenty years agoe and that he left issue John his only son and severall Daughters but their severall names he cannot sett forth.


Parties to the case:



National Archives, Kew - E 134/12Geo1/East24
TNA Series E134