1726 Case Depositions - Reeve et al vs Baynes et al
Exchequer: King's Remembrancer: Depositions taken by Commission, E 134 - George ITranscript
Interrogato... to be administred to Witnesses to be produced sworn & examined on the part & behalfe of Thomas Baynes one of the Defts in a Cause depending in his maties Court of ? at Westen? wherein John Reeve Joseph Reeve & James Reeve the said Joseph Reeve & James Reeve being infants by Elizabeth Reeve their mother & prochein amy John Reeve & Elizabeth his wife and Robert Baynes ? Complts against the said Thomas Baynes & John Baynes William Baynes Charles Gibbs and Mary his wife Elizabeth Baynes Jonathan Reeve and John Morley DefendantsInt. Do you know the party's Compts & Defts or either & which of them how long have you known them any and which of them Declare
Int. Did you know Jeremiah Reeve of Bocking in the County of Essex Gent Grandfather of the said Deft Thomas Baynes. If yeas. Do you know the time when hee dyed & whether he left any and what issue If yea, Declare the time when he the said Jeremiah Reeve departed this Life & who by name was his eldest son liveing at the time of his death
Int. Did you know John Reeve the son of Jeremiah Reeve in the pleadings named if yea Do you know the time when he dyed If yea declare as near as you remember & whether he left any and what issue
Int. Do you know whether John Reeve the eldest son of Jeremiah Reeve in the pleadings named Did at any time and when pay unto Jane Reeve his sister or unto John Ager his Brother in Law any and what sum & sumes of money If yea: Declare when & how often & how much & to which of them and on what account as you know or believe
Int. Look upon the papers or writings now produced & shewn to you at this the time of your examinason marked respectively with the figures 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 where and when and with what did you examine the same is or it not the same a true copy of what it purports to be
Int. Look upon the Deeds papers or parchment writings now produced and shewn to you at this the time of your examination marked respectivel with the Letters C D E F G H J K L M Is your name subscribed thereon as a witness to the ...son thereof If yea is your hand so subscribed of your own proper hand writing do you know or are you acquainted with the character or hand writing of any of the other persons whose names are subscribed on the said deeds papers or parchment writings as witnesses to the Execuson thereof if yea declare which of their hand writing you are acquainted with or do know, & whether you do believe his or her name subscribed on the said deeds papers or parchment writings as a witness or witnesses to the signing or execuson thereof is of his or her ow proper hand writing is in the witness or witnesses liveing or dead declare the time when he or she dyed as you know or believe did you see the said deeds papers or parchment writings signed sealed and delivered if yea declare when and by whom are you well acquainted with or do you know the character or hand writing of the person or persons whose name or names are signed or subscribed to the execuson of the said deeds papers or writings If yea declare which of there hand writeing you do know or are you well acquainted with and whether you do believe the name of such person so subscribed to the execuson of the said deeds papers or writings is the proper handwriting of such person and whether such deeds papers or writeings was so signed or executed on or about the time of the date thereof or at any other time an when do you know or believe that the person or persons or any and which of them who signed sealed and delivered the said deeds papers or parchment writings was or were at the time of the execuson thereof of unsound or imperfect mind memory or understandig Have you at any time and when heard such persons or persons and who by name who executed the said deeds papers or parchment writings say or declare anything and what concerning the said deeds papers or parchment writings and when and how often and how long before his death do you believe that the person or persons who executed the said deeds papers or parchment writings or any and which of them was or were imposed on in any and what manner in the execuson thereof or whether the said deeds was or were by him freely & voluntarily executed or prpared by his free and voluntary direccon decare what you known or can say to this interrogatorie with your reasons for the same.
Int. Were you prsent and did you see John Reeve in the pleadings named subscribe his name & seal publish and declare the paper writing now produced and known to you marked with the Letter (A) as and for his Last Will and Testament or not if yea set forth the particular Day or on or about what day in what month and yeare or in what place or at whose house the said John Reeve did so subscribe his name and seal publish and declare the same to be his last will & Testament whether or no did the said John Reeve write and subscribe his name to the said paper writing as the same now appeares thereto in your prsence and in the psence of the other persons whose names are subscribed as witnesses thereto or any and which of them whether or no did you & the several other persons whose names are subscribed as witnesses to the said paper writing or will or any & which of them severally subscribe your or their or any and which of their names as witnesses to the execuson of the said paper writing or will by the said John Reeve in his prsents whether or no did he see you and the said severall other persons or any and which of them so subscribe your and their or any and which of their names Is your name which appeares to be subscribed thereto of your own handwriting or not and do you know or believe that the names of the other persons which appeares to be subscribed thereto or any and which of them is or are of their respective hand writing, Was the said John Reeve at the time of the execuson of the said will of unsound or imperfect mind memory or understanding declare what you know believe or can say to each particular of this interrogatorie.
Int. Are you acquainted with the character or hand writing of all or any and which of the persons whose names or names are or is sett or subscribed to any and which of the papers books or parchment writings now produced & shewn unto you marked respectively with the letters N O P Q R S T U W X Y howe by what meaner & on what occasion came you to be so are or is the names or names sett or subscribed to any & which of the said papers books or parchment writings of the proper hand writing of the persons or persons the same purportor puports to be as you know & believe
Int. Do you know whether John Reeve in the pleadings named as son & heir of Jeremiah Reeve in the pleadings mensoned was ever admitted to the copyhold messuage & lands called Gonnells in the mannor of Woodham Walters? in the pleadings menconed if yea declare when & how came you to know the same. Do yo know whether the said John Reeve at any time did surrender the said copyhold messuage & lands called Gonnell's according to the custome of the said mannor into the hands of the Lord of the said mannor If yea declare that is the custom of the said manner touching or concerning the the surrender of estates holden of the said manner & how & in what manner & to whom & whence such surrender was made and to what use or uses & how you came to know the same Do you know whether any person or persons was admitted to the said copyhold prmises according to such surrender if yea declare whom by name & when
Int. Look upon the several parchments now produced & shewn to you at this the time of your examinason & severall marked with the figures 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 declare whether they or any & which of them are the court rolls or coppy's of the court roles of any and what manner and when where & with what did you examine the same & with whom you had or found the same
Int. Look upon the parchment writing now produced & shewn to you at this the time of your examinacon marked with the Letter (B) where when & with what did you examine the same what is the contents thereof declare
Int. Do you know of any other matter or thing or have heard or can say anything touching the matters in Quson that may tend to the benefitt or advantage of the Deft Thomas Baynes besides what you have been before interrogated unto Declare the same fully and at large as if they were here particularly repeated and you where thereunto particularly interrogated
P Holey
Elias Cramner
Jno Jey?on
Depositions of witnesses taken upon oath the six and twentieth Day of May Anno Dm One thousand seven hundred twentye six at the now dwelling house of Thomas Atwood in Bath in the County of Somerset plumber By virtue of a Comicon Directed to John Cosen Samuel Stanton Elias Cranmer and John Jegon Gent for the ? of witnesses in a certain cause there depending between John Reeve Joseph Reeve James Reeve, the said Joseph Reeve and James Reeve being infants by Elizabeth Reeve their mother and prochein amy John Reeve and Elizabeth his wife, and Robert Baynes Complts and Thomas Baynes John Baynes William Baynes Charles Gibbs and Mary his wife Elizabeth Baynes Jonathan Reeve and John Morley Defts Beforeas the said Elias Cranmer and John Pegon the severall oaths to the said Comicon? affixed being first duly administred as by the said Comicon is required
Charles Cotterel Late of Furwalls? June? London Gent and now of Bath in the County aforesd sett Aged fifty yeares & upwards sworn & exmed Deposeth as followeth.
- To the sixth Juterry this Depont saith that the parchment writing now produced and shewn to this Depont at this the time of his examinacon to this Juterry marked with the Letter C was duly signed sealed & executed by John Reeve in theis Deponts psence and this Depont saith that the name John Reeve thereto subscribed was of the said John Reeves own proper hand writing and that the name Chas Cotterell indorsed on the said parchment writing as a witness to the execuson of the same is of the proper hand writing of this Depnt and that the name John Moxon also indorsed on the said parchment writing as a witness to the execuson of the same is of the proper land writing of the said John Moxon to the best of this Depont Remembrance Beliefe and this Depont also saith that the other parchment writing now produced and shewn to this Depont at this the time of his examincion to this Juterry marked with the Leter D was also duly signed sealed and executed by John Reeve Robert Pegon and Nicholas Cotterell in this Deponts prsents and this Depont saith that the names John Reeve Rob Jegon Nich Cotterell thereto subscribed are of the respective proper hand writing of them the said John Reeve Robert Jegon and Nicholas Cotterell and that the names Cha Cotterell indorsed suche said last menconed parchment writing as a witness is of the proper hand writing of this Depont and saith that the name John Moxon also indorsed on the said last mentoned parchment writing as a witness to the execuson of the same is of the proper hand writing of the said John Moxon to the best of this Deponts Remembrance & Beliefe and further cannot Depose.
Parties to the case:- John Reeve Joseph Reeve (infant) and James Reeve (infant) sonns of Elizabeth Daughters of Jeremiah Reeve deced
- John Reeve and Elizabeth his wife (Elizabeth gd/o Jeremiah)
- Robert Baynes (?s/o John & Ellen Reeve Baynes, gs/o Jeremiah)
- Thomas Baynes (s/o John & Ellen Reeve Baynes, gs/o Jeremiah)
- John Baynes (s/o John & Ellen Reeve Baynes, gs/o Jeremiah)
- William Baynes (s/o John & Ellen Reeve Baynes, gs/o Jeremiah)
- Charles Gibbs and Mary his wife (d/o John & Ellen Reeve Baynes, gd/o Jeremiah)
- Elizabeth Baynes (d/o John & Ellen Reeve Baynes, gd/o Jeremiah)
- Jonathan Reeve (s/o Jonathan & Elizabeth)
- John Morley Esqr
National Archives, Kew - E 134/12and13Geo1/Trin10TNA Series E134