1813 Heirs - Estate of Joseph Padgett
Charles County, Maryland
Orphan's Court Proceedings 1812-1814
Page 264
11 May 1813
A List of debts due the Estate }
Due in Cash } 197
Due in Tobacco } 4,810.00
EE for Thomas I. Reeves - 10th March 1813
Passed by the Court - H. Barnes Regr of Wills
for Chs County Charles County Sct
May 11th 1813 }
Then came Thomas I. Reeves and made oath on the the (sic) Holy Evangely of Almighty God that the aforegoing is a true and Just account of sales of the Estate of Joseph Padgett late of Charles County deceased to the test of his knowledge and belief ~
Test H. Barnes Regr of Wills for Chs County ---
Heirs of the Estate of Joseph Padgett
Sarah Padgett | James W. Reeves |
Elish (sic Elisha) Padgett | Horatio Reeves |
The children of Jane Goldsmith | Ann McDaniel |
John Goldsmith Ste of VA | Susannah Howel |
Ann Ratcliff | Rebecca Gibson |
Lyda (sic Lydia) Tippet | Mary Decens (sic Deakins) |
Thomas Goldsmith | Cecilia Reeves |
The living children of Thos Reeves | Gustavus Reeves |
James Reeves | State of Cincinnati (?) |
Elizabeth Gudrick (sic Goodrick) | Living children of } |
Jane Barker | Upgate Reeves } |
Lyda Oakley | John C. Reeves |
Mary Reeves | Anne Robey |
Sarah Reeves | Living children of James Reeves |
Ann Reeves | Hezekiah H. Reeves |
Living children of } | Thomas I. Reeves |
Leonard Reeves } | 25-3/4 sides - |