Mattituck Presbyterian Church Records - 1825-1852 Session Record Book
This record book from Mattituck Presbyterian Church is a Session Register and is catalogued as containing records from 1825 to 1852 (actually runs to 1854) and includes a list of members, baptisms, births, marriages, and deaths.Transcript or Summary
Record of the Church in Union Parish Town of Riverhead Suffolk County State of New YorkBegan June 17th 1825
Names of Church Members August 1825
30 James Reeve (Dead)
31 Purnel Reeve (Dead)
33 John Reeve
34 Keziah Reeve
39 Joanna Reeve
42 Mehetable Reeve
45 Parnal Reeve
46 Keziah Reeve dead
52 Nathaniel Reeve dismissed March 17 1821
53 James W Reeve
54 Phebe Reeve
55 Fanny Reeve
January 7 1826
Ezra Reeve Junr withdrawn
February 17 1826
Dismissed Jeremiah Reeves
Deborah Reeve
1831 March 17 Nathaniel Reeve dismissed to join the Church at Westampton
April 1st 1827 Joseph S Wickham to Phebe M Reeve daughter of Deac. J Reeve
October 23 1827. Edward Reeve married to Betsey Hallock daughter of Ruport Hallock
1828 November 1 Hery Reeve married to Betsey Clark
1826 June 11 The son of James W Reeve named Phillip
1826 Nov 6 James Reeve son of Ezra Reeve
1826 September 16 Dismissed Jeremiah Reeve to join or unite with the church under the Pastoral Care of the Revd Thomas McCauley DD in New York
1828 August 3. The daughter of James W Reeve named Mary Augusty at Mattituck
October 30 1831 The following persons baptized at Auquibogue meeting house
Sally Reeve
Betsey Grant Reeve
1831 Dec 4 Mary Reeve daughter of Luther Reeve at Mattit.
1828 October 26 The son of Jesse Reeve named (blank)
1828 October 27 The son of Benjamin Reeve named Barnabas
1828 Nov 3 The mother of Jesse Reeve (Parnel) east northside c. member [widow of James Reeve]
1829 Marh 20. The wife of Edward Reeve she being the daughter of Ruport Hallock
1830 March 4 Deacn James Reeve
Fanny Reeve died Jan 17 1832
1832 June 1st Parnel Reeve church emember
Dismissions - Deborah Ann Reeve
July 4 1831 A new List of Church members made out from pages the members in middle district not included, they being set off to be a Church
John Reeve
Keziah Reeve
Joanna Reeve
Mehetabel Reeve
Parnel Reeve died June 1st 1832
James W Reeve
Fanny Reeve died Jan 7 1832
Phebe Reeve
Betsey Reeve
Deborah Reeve (dismissed)
1832 May The children of Jesse Reeve Names Joanna - Hannah - Mary Jane - James Monroe - Edward Youngs
Dec (1838) Jeziah Reeve wife of John Reeve died - she being a church member
A New List of Church Members there being removals, dismissals, suspensions and deaths which makes a new list necessary
15 John Reeve Dismd 16 March 1845
16 Keziah Reeve died Dec 1838
18 Joanna Reeve
21 Mehitable Reeve
25 James W Reeve
39 Phebe Reeve
41 Betsey Reeve Dead
61 Polly Reeve
62 Sally Reeve
63 Betsey Reeve
74 Elizabeth Reeve - Died Oct 10 1840 she being the wife of George Luce?
87 Elmira Reeve
110 Henry Reeve
The following persons recd into the church on examination April 14 1849
Sophia Reeve Baptized
Edward Reeve
Maryann Reeve Baptized
Emma L Reeve Baptized
Edward Reeve his children
A new List of Church Members there being removals, dismissals, suspensions and deaths which makes a new listn necessary - January 2d 1850
10 Joanna Reeve
11 Mehetabel Reeve
12 James W Reeve
19 Phebe Reeve
32 Polly Reeve
33 Sally Reeve
34 Betsey Reeve
49 Elmira Reeve
65 Henry Reeve
75 Apri 14 The following persons received on examination
76 Sophia Reeve
77 Edward Reeve
78 Mary Ann Reeve
80 Emma L Reeve
April 17 1854
The following names are a new list of Church members belonging to Mattituck Church
James W Reeve
Phebe R Reeve
Edward Reeve
Mary Ann Reeve
Henry Reeve
Betsy Reeve
Mehitable W Reeve
Polly Reeve
Elmyra Reeve
Sophia Reeve
Emma L Reeve
James M Reeve
Edward Y Reeve