1845 Sale - Elisha Reeves, Bethena Reeves vs. Phillips Richardson & wife, A Blackman & wife & others
A report by the Master of Lancaster District on the sale of slaves and land as ordered to be sold in the Equity case Elisha Reeves Et al Vs Wm Phillips Richardson Et w James Reeves and others.Transcript or Summary
Elisha Reeves } In Equity, LancasterBethena Reeves } Estate James Reeves
vs. }
Phillis Richardson & wife }
A Blackman & wife & others }
Sales of Real Estate & negros belonging to Estate James Reeves (decd) by order of the Court in above case, at Lancaster C H on the 1st Monday the 6 day of January 1845 - on a credit of 12 _ ___ Interest for the negroes 1,2, & 3 years for the Mike Horton tract, & 1 & 2 years for the others with Interest (except costs)
Negroes Name Purchasers
Ann bid off by Elisha Reeves 325
Merida bid off by Eli C. Bishop 406
Wylie bid off by Elisha Reeves 250
Tract A. All that piece parcel plantation or tract of Land called the Mike Horton tract containing 525 acres more or less adjoining Lands of Susan Caston, M Horton, Thos L Clyburn, Brewer & John Baskin as per plat made by B J Blackmon Decr 1843 bid off by John Reeves at $1802
Tract B. Being the piece parcel or tract of Land containing 78 acres more or less adjoining Lands of Ellenor Blackmon Amos Blackmon, Susannah Baskin & B J Blackmon bid off by Thos Felming at $210.50
Tract C. Containing 200 acres more or less adjoining Lands of James Baskin, Jno J Blackmon, E Blackmon & others bid off by James A Blackmon at $800
Tract D. Containing 201 acres more or less adjoining Lands fo D Haile, Susannah Baskin, Elisha Garris & James C McMullan & John Taylor bid off by John Taylor at $200.01
6 Janry 1845
James H Witherspoon Comr