1856 & 1858 Wills - Bethiah Fletcher

1856 & 1858 Wills - Bethiah Fletcher

1856 & 1858 Wills - Bethiah Fletcher


Suffolk County, New York Surrogate's Court
Will Liber 6, p617
1st Will Dated: 24 Nov 1856
2nd Will Dated: 12 Nov 1858
Proved: 17 May 1859


County of Suffolk SS Be it known that at a Surrogates Court held at Riverhead on the 17th day of May 1859 Present J Laurence Smith Surrogate two instruments being the last will and testament of Bethiah Fletcher late of the town of Brookhaven in the said county deceased were duly proved before said J Lawrence Smith the said Surrogate as a valid will of real & personal estate which will & proof are as follows

This Indenture made this twenty fourth day of November one thousand eight hundred and fifty six witnesseth That I Bethiah Fletcher of the town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk and state of New York being of sound disposing mind and memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament
1st The two thousand six hundred dollars owing to me on notes by Oscar F Hawley of New York I give one hundred dollars of the same to the said Oscar & the remaining twenty five hundred dollars i hereby order and direct to be vested on bond & mortgage on good & satisfactory surety of real estate by my executors herein after named and the interest of the said sum of twenty five hundred dollars to be paid semiannually to my husband during his natural life - Also to my husband during his life one bed & bedding for the same six chairs one cherry table one rag carpet & such cooking articles & table furniture as may be necessary for him Also the use of my house & land jointly with my sister Phebe so long as they may live in & occupy my said house & land.
To my sister Phebe I give fifty dollars in money & my household furniture excepting the articles above given to my husband & the carpet & rug in the lower front room which I give to Mary Homan & the bed in the front chamber which with a quilt & two blankets I give to Sophia McFarlan
To my Brother Barnabas Reeve I give three hundred dollars
To my Nephew George Robinson I give one hundred dollars
To Mathew Edmund Woodruff & Hannah his wife I give each fifty dollars
To each of my brotehrs Jeremiah & Jehiel H. I give five hundred dollars to be paid as soon as convenient after my decease & also the avails of my homestead & real estate after my husband & sister Phebe are done occupying the same
To John McFarlan I give fifty dollars
To the children of my brothers Jeremiah & Jehiel H Reeve after the decease of my husband I give twenty three hundred dollars of the twenty five hundred dollars set apart for the interest to be paid to my husband one half of said twenty three hundred to be equally divided among the children of my said brother Jeremiah & the other half equally among the children of my said brother Jehiel H. Reeve
To my nephew Zopher Mills I give one hundred dollars out of the nine hundred dollars he is owing me
To Chalotte Mills daughter of Zopher Mills I give fifty dollars
I hereby authorize & empower my executors hereinafter named as soon as convenient after the occupancy by my husband & sister Phebe of my real estate to sell the same & give good & sufficient titles to the purchaser or purchasers & the avails thereof to pay as above directed to my brothers Jeremiah & Jehiel H Reeve equally.
I hereby appoint & constitute Zopher Mills & Oscar F Hawley of the City of New York executors of this my last will & testament Signed sealed published & declared as my last will & testament the day & year first herein written.
Nathl Miller BrookhavenBethiah Fletcher (LS)
Vanbrne Hulse Brookhaven
Harriet Overton Brookhaven

This Indenture made this twelveth day of November one thousand eight hundred and fifty eight witnesseth that I Bethiah Fletcher of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk and State of New York being of sound disposing mind & memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament.
To my husband Thomas Fletcher I give two beds & bedding for the same also the interest at six percent of all my money & written obligations for money during his natural life & necessary cooking utensils & furniture for keeping house.
To Emily McFarland I give one bed bolster pair of pillows and one quilt - the residue of my household furniture I give to my sister Phebe - also my waring apparel
After the decease of my husband Thomas Fletcher I give to my sister Phebe one hundred dollars to my nephew George Robinson one hundred dollars to my nephew Zopher Mills two hundred dollars & to my niece Hannah Woodruff twenty five dollars and to Zopher son of my nephew Zopher Mills I give three hundred dollars the residue of my money after the decease of my said husband Thomas Fletcher I give equally to the surviving children of my Brother Jeremiah Reve and Jehiel H Reve
I hereby appoint and constitute Zopher Mills & Oscar F. Hawley of the City of New York executors of this my last will & testament - signed sealed published and declared as my last will and testament the day & year first above written
Nathl Miller of Brookhaven}Bethiah (her x mark) Fletcher LS
Alfred B Brown }
Eliza Ann Brown }


Suffolk County, New York Surrogate's Court Will Liber 6, p617