1847 Case - Elisha Blackmon vs. Amos Blackmon - Elisha Reeves Interrogation

1847 Case - Elisha Blackmon vs. Amos Blackmon - Elisha Reeves Interrogation

1847 Case - Elisha Blackmon vs. Amos Blackmon et al - Elisha Reeves Interrogation


This document is note dated, but is filed as part of a court case from 1847 and refers to an even from 25 Dec 1844. This document is significant as it proves that Elisha Reeves of Lancaster County, son of James Reeves Sr. is the same one who later showed up in Pike County, Georgia. This identification was formerly based on strong circumstantial evidence.


Elisha Blackmon         }
        Vs                           }
Amos Blackmon          }
Raleigh Hammond     }
Saml. N. Hammond   }
James Hughes             } Trespass Quare Clausum Fregit

Interrogation to be administered to Elisha Reeves, a witness, on the part of the Plaintiff, residing in Pike County Georgia

Question 1 Are you acquainted with the parties in the above case?
2n Will you state if you were in the neighborhood of Plaintiff on the night of the 25d dec. 1844? At whose house were you how came you there? How far is that from Plaintiff’s house?
3n Was or was not Byrum Blackmon with you at Mrs Reeves’ house that night?
4d State if Byrum Blackmon recieved word from Plaintiff that night, & about what time: that Defendants were about to enter the lot & dwelling house of Plaintiff in a rude & forcible manner? Or what word did he receive?
5d State what then became of Byrum & State whether or not you went to Plaintiffs house afterwards that night & for what purpose did you go?
6d How often did Defendants come to the house of Plaintiff that night after you got there? State about the time of night each time?
7d Be particular and describe the conduct of each of Defts during the night the several times they came? (Words & deeds)
8d Did they or did they not appear to act in concert as if they had some purpose in common? Did they or did they not always come & go away together?
9d Were they or not hostile in their appearance? Did you not see fire arms, swords pistols bludgeons in their possession& were they as much concealed as possible by them?
10d Was or was not their conduct off non(?), during the night, well calculated to disturb the repose of a family, & greatly alarm females?
11d What was the condition or situation of Plaintiff during all night?
12d Was your position such that you could see & discover the Defendants & ascertain them well in the night?
13d What sort of noise did they make? and did you or not at anytime that night see either of Defendants in the lit or in the (?) Of Plaintiff, or his kitchen or out houses?
14d Did you know that Deft or either of them broke down the door & entered the kitchen & house of Plaintiff that night?
15d Do you know what their common purpose was that night at the house of Plaintiff?
16d State whether or not you heard Amos Blackmon say if he could get hold of the McCorkle negroes he would run them off? State what he said about the negroes?
17d Who of the family of Plaintiff, were at home on the night of 25d Decr 1844?
18d Were you at the house when the Defendants with a constable the next day came to make a search?
19d Did you not advise Plaintiff to sue the Defendants for their transgression that night?
20d If you know any thing else material for Plaintiff state it fully?
Clinton pff Atty


Other Identifications:
Byrum Blackmon was the husband of Elizabeth H. Reeves
Amos Blackmon was the husband of Jane Reeves
Elisha Blakmon was the father of Byrum Blackmon, Andrew Bynum Blackmon (husband of Mary M. Reeves), and Susanna Blackmon (wife of Thomas J. Reeves).


Lancaster County, Common Pleas Roll 3534, Elisha Blackman vs Amos Blackmon et al, 1847