Story of the Great Revival At Fork Hill

1839 Fork Hill Baptist Church Revival

Story of the Great Revival At Fork Hill

Transcript or Summary


(The following was copied from The Lancaster News, dated May 2, 1939)
Our good friend and subscriber, J A Reaves, brought us a copy of The Lancaster News of May 22 , 1909, in which is an account of a revival meeting held 100 years ago and is still attracting
attention. A number of people have asked Mr. Reaves to secure them a copy of the paper containing the story. Since we have no more copies of this paper other than the one in our permanent files we are republishing the revival story which follows:

What must have been one of the most remarkable religious revivals within the history of Lancaster county was held at Fork Hill Baptist church seventy years ago. It is doubtful if any of the oldest citizens now living have any personal recollection of the great event, though some of them may have heard members of a former generation speak of the memorable revival.
The only information we have on the subject is contained In a paper, yellow with age, which has been found among some old papers which belonged to William J. Connors ,who was father of the late W. M. Connors of the Lancaster bar. It appears from this paper that a series of meetings was held at Fork Hill, beginning on August 15th, 1839, during which as many as 159 persons joined the church and a number of others were restored to membership. Among the converts were some colored persons, showing that the whites of those days looked after the spiritual as well as the physical welfare of the slaves.
The Fork Hill officers are now getting up a history of the church, and for their information , as well as that of many others interested, we here publish the paper in question. On its back appears the following endorsement:
A List of Names of Candidates Received at the Fork Hill Church During the Several Protracted Meetings In the Fall of 1839.

The names on the inside as follows under the following head:

Names of Candidates Received and Welcomed to the Ordinance of Baptism During Our Protracted Meeting In 1839:

August the 15th
Dicy Broom
Harry Baskin(colored)
Eleanor Blackmon
Sarah Ooton
Mary Falkenbury
Masorie Baskin (TRP NOTE: wife of William Reeves)
James J. Blackmon
Anna A. Blackmon
Elizure J. Blackmon
Mary Blackmon
Delila Blackmon
Erasmus G. Caston
William Cunningham
Andrew B. Blackmon (TRP NOTE: Husband of Mary M Reeves)
Mary Ann Lisles
Anna M.Blackmon
Titus Baskin (colored)
Hawkin Reaves (TRP NOTE: Probably Frankey, wife of James Jr)
James Reaves Jr.
Samuel Sims
Garrot Sims
Jinsey Sings
Margaret Broom

August the 16th and 17th
Nancy Reaves (TRP NOTE: Probably wife of John Reeves)
Malinda Adams
Anna Small
William Owens
William J.Connors
Britian Blackmon, Sr. (TRP NOTE: Probably husband of Anna Reeves)
Elizabeth Turner
Allen Small
Woody Eastridge
Clarrissee Baker
Bingham Blackmon
William Baker
Emma I. Connors
John Sings
Rolley Hammond
Sarah Hammond

August the 18th
Mary M. Blackmon
Absolum Blackmon (colored)
Robert Ellis (Colored)
Stephen Small
Jane Small, Sr.
Jemima Coin
Mary Blackmon(colored)

September the 9th
Levy Liles
Martha Ann Ellis
Merena Blackmon
Martha Sims
Martha Coin
Elizabeth C. Blackmon
Elizabeth H Reaves
Joanna Hinson
James A. Blackmon (TRP NOTE: Husband of Malissa Caroline Reeves)
Dolly Reeves(colored)
Letha L. Blackmon
John A Blackmon

September the 10th, 1839
Charles C. Connors
Hannah Belk
Elizabeth Coin
Anna Melissa Blackmon
Melissa Caroline Reeves
Sarah Craves
Eleanor Matilda Blackmon
Eleanor Small
James M. Blackmon
Andrew B. Ellis
John Reeves, Jr. (TRP NOTE: This might just mean the younger John Reeves as opposed to the older John Reeves)
Charles Caston (colored)

September the 11th, 1839
Moisey Blackmon
Bynham Adams
Jesse Turner
John Coin
Levy Wright
William W. Blackmon
Hardy Hail
Elizabeth A. Caston
William C. Ellis
Elizabeth M. Baskin
Delila Belk
Tharaza Thompson

October the 12th, 1839
John Reaves, Sr. (TRP NOTE: Probably John Reeves)
Elizabeth Roberts
Anna Eastridge
Josiah B. Blackmon
Sarah Reaves (TRP NOTE: Probably Sarah Reeves, daughter of John Reeves)
Frederick T. Small
Buck Reaves(colored)
Frank Reaves(colored)

October the 13th, 1839
Jane Langley
Sarah Blackmon(colored)
Franky Hinson
Elizabeth Reaves, Sr. (TRP NOTE: May be reference to wife of John Reeves to distinguish her from Elizabeth H Reeves)
Rose Hall(colored)
Martha Hilton
Sabbina Langley
William Eastridge
Susanna Eastridge
Nancy Blackmon(colored)

October the 14th, 1849
Zacharias N. Thompson
Hannah Small
James Small
Milly Eastridge
Margaret Baskin
Elizabeth Langley
Peter Small( colored)
Alexander Coin

October the 15th, 1839
Solomon Williams
Susanna Marshal
Elizabeth Belk
Joseph Hall
James Liles
Jane Baskin
Minor A. Blackmon
Elizabeth Liles
Marilla Blackmon

October the 16th,l939
David Chace
Bynaghm W. Small
Mathew Eunice
Monrow Small(colored)

October the 17th, 1839
Robert Belk
Thomas Small, Jr.
Mary Small
William M. Blackmon
Magnic Liles
Ruth Vickery
Joseph Eastridge
Jefferson Belk
Joel B. Small
John Belk, Jr.
George Liles (restored)
Lydia Liles
Mary Eastridge
Richard Ooton
William Wright
Chapman Small
Mary S. Blackmon

October the 18th, 1839
Samuel Belk
Martha Blackmon
Sarah Williams
Eliza J. Blackmon
Hunter Stogner
Thomas Blackmon(colored)
William Small

October the 19th, 1839
James W. Thompson
William Roberts
Winny Ooton
Elizabeth C. Falkenbery
Jane Small, Jr.
Wiley Liles
Joshua Small
Uriah Williams (TRP NOTE: Son of Nancy Elizabeth Reeves)
Benjamin Stogner
Arcady Chace(restored)
Herrod Johnston
Mary Ooton
Thomas Reaves (colored)
William Reaves (TRP NOTE: Probably William Reeves)
William Liles(restored)
John Blackmon


Viola Caston Floyd Collection Folder 2-19 BLACKMON-CLARK, Lancaster County Library, Lancaster, SC