1845 Deed - James H. Witherspoon, C E to John Reeves

1845 Deed - James H. Witherspoon to John Reeves

1845 Deed - James H. Witherspoon, C E to John Reeves

Lancaster County SC
15 January 1845
Deed Book P p40-41

James H. Witherspoon C E         } Deed for
        To                                              } 525 Acres
John Reeves                                    } Land

The State of South Carolina
This indenture made the fifteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and forty five between James H. Witherspoon Esqr Comr of the honorable Court of Equity for Lancaster District at Lancaster Court House in the said State of the one part and John Reeves of the other part - Whereas Elisha Reeves and Bethenia Reeves on or about the fourteenth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and forty five did exhibit this Bill of Complaint in the court of Equity at Lancaster Court House in the said State against Phillip Richardson & wife Winney Richardson, Amos Blackmon & wife Jane, James Reeves, John Reeves, Bynum J. Blackmon & wife Elizabeth, Caroline Reeves, Mary Reeves, Dorcas Reeves, Thomas Reeves, Amey Reeves, & Bethenia Reeves devisees of James Reeves decd late of said District and said (?) being at issue before the honorable court came in to be heard 28 Novr 1844 in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and forty five where the said Court after full hearing thereof and mature deliberation in the premises, did adjudge, order and decree, that the said piece, parcel, tract and plantation of land below described belonging to James Reeves (decd) should be sold at public auction by the Comr of the said Court on the terms and for the purposes mentioned in this decretal order, as by reference thereto in the Registry of the said Court will appear: and the said James H. Witherspoon as Comr of the said court after having duly advertized the said piece parcel plantation or tract of land for sale by Public outcry on the sixth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and forty five (1845) did there openly and publicly and according to the custom of auctions, sell and dispose of the said premises & lands below described unto the said John Reeves for the sum of one thousand Eight hundred & two Dollars he being at that price the highest bidder for the same - Now therefore this indenture witnesseth. That the said James H. Witherspoon as Comr of the said court under and by nature of the said Decree and in consideration of the sum of one thousand Eight hundred & two Dollars secured to be paid him by the said John Reeves the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted Bargained sold and released and by these presents doth Grant, Bargain, Sell and Release unto the said John Reeves and his heirs and assigns all that piece parcel plantation or tract of land situate in the District of Lancaster on both sides of Lynches (Little) Creek known & described in the Bill & (?) as the Mike Horton tract containing Five hundred & twnty five acres more or less bounded by lands of Susan Caston, Michael Horton, Thos L Clyburn, Brewers land & John Baskin having such form marks & shapes & boundary as a plat thereof marked A made December 1843 by B J Blackmon DS & annexed to the Comrs Return in the above case represents a copy of which is hereunto annexed reference being had to the same to more fully describe & locate said land. Together with all & Singular the hereditaments, Rights, members and appurtenances whatsoever, to the said piece, parcel, plantation or tract of land belonging or in anywise appertaining; and the Remains and Remainders, Rents, issues, and profits thereof; and also all the Estate, Rights, Title, Interest, Dower, Possession, Property, Benefits, claims or demands whatsoever, both at law and Equity of the heirs and Representatives of the said James Reeves Senr deceased and of (?) (?) parties to this suit and of all other persons rightfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof by, from, or under, thence or wither of thence. To have and to hold the said premises above described with its hereditaments, privileges, and appurtenances unto the said John Reeves & his heirs and assigns to him & his only proper use (?) and (?) forever.
In witness whereof the said James H. Witherspoon as Commissioner of the said Court under and by virtue of the said Decree, hath hereunto set his hand and the Seal of the Court, on the day and year first above written
Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence      }James H. Witherspoon (Seal)
of Geo M C. WitherspoonComr Eqty Lancaster Dist
Wm A Moore

South Carolina             }
Lancaster District        } Personally appeared Wm A. Moore and on oath saith that he saw James H Witherspoon Comr Eqty Lancaster District sign, seal and deliver the within deed to John Reeves for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and that Geo M. C. Witherspoon with himself in the presence of each other witnessed the same
Sworn to before me 28 Jany 1845Wm A Moore
S Beckham Clk

Resurveyed Decr 1843 by B J Blackmon DS
             The above is a true copy form the original & was annexed by me to this conveyance to James ReevesJames H Witherspoon CE LC